Big news, people. I’ve officially exceeded 100 unique visits.* 114, to be exact! So to celebrate, I’m giving my 115th unique visitor a free hug!!!

(That’s not as weird as it sounds, since probably 112 of my visitors thus far have been family members, sorority sisters, fellow bloggers, or people who’ve seen me cry.) But seriously – thank you for visiting and reading and supporting me on this exciting new adventure! Starting my own blog is something I’ve thought about doing for a long time, and I’m so incredibly grateful for the people and the series of events that gave me the courage to actually do it.
I know I promised a vacation recap, but I was just invited to guest blog about our family vacation to Gainesville on the uber-amazing Mom It Forward. How cool is that, right? That post will come out in early September and I will link to it here. Until then, you’ll have to wait. Try not to let the anticipation eat you alive.
Have a great day, friends. And good luck, new readers. Hugs are imminent.
* to my non-blogger friends – “unique visitors” refers to the number of distinct individuals that visit a website during a specified period of time. It doesn’t matter how many pages you visit – you only count as one. So don’t try to cheat so you can get that hug.
Original photo by Sugar Booger Memory Lane Photography
Mom says
Can I have a few hugs,too?
sharon says
I’m glad your comment says that you’re my mom. I was a little creeped out when I first read it. 🙂 {HUG}
Michele C. says
Love it!!!! Heck, I’ll send you a hug right now (((HUG))) 😉
sharon says
And I’ll send some xoxo your way too! 🙂
Layne says
Woo hoo! Congrats, mama! I’d love one of your hugs right about now!
Sharon says
I’d even give it to you for free, Mama Q. 🙂