You don’t have to be a parent to know that kids are surrounded by technology. Keeping them safe is more important than ever! Kids Email is an awesome service that helps keep your kids safe when they’re online.
Kids Email ® Email for kids! Allow your children to use technology and be safe. We are the #1 Kids Email Service Provider.
Kids Email is one of the brands in this year’s Holiday Gift Guide. Check out a review of this service by my friend Dawn on Blogging Mom of 4.
Kids Email is sponsoring a great giveaway!
4 Lucky winners will WIN:
1 Year of Kids Email and My Kids Browser (Valued at $68.90)
Giveaway is open WorldWide and will run from October 23 – Nov 3. (CST) Must be 18+ to enter. Wait for the Rafflecopter to load and enter below:
Good luck!
P.S. Check out more international giveaways at!
Stephanie Grant says
I didn’t start using email or the Internet until I was like 15 years old because my parents are not people that are on the cutting edge of technology so they were a bit late jumping on the computer/Internet band wagon lol! My 6 year old is allowed to use the Internet as long as me, his father or another responsible adult is there to monitor what he is doing online.
hlodonnell says
My kids don’t go online unsupervised. That being said, they each have an email address. I email them pictures or fun stories a few times a month. When they go to college, I will give them the address and password.
Deborah @ Confessions of a Mother Runner says
My kiddos are too old for this but interesting idea. It seems expensive though?