Marathon Training: The Magic Mile
I haven’t told you my Magic Mile time yet because I wasn’t very happy with it. But there’s no point in sharing your business with the world blogging if you’re not going to be honest, right? So here’s the truth. In July 2012, when I first started my Galloway training, I ran my Magic Mile in 8:29. I was put in the 8:00-8:30 pace group, and I trained with them for 6 months.
At first I was a little nervous about my group placement – I’d just barely made it in and was probably the slowest runner in the group. But the more I trained, the faster I got. My second Magic Mile was 8:20, and my third was 7:58. I was more confident, and I grew to love training with my group of amazing and inspiring runners.
We ran the marathon and completed our training in February 2013. Fast forward to July…and it was time to start training again. Now, I didn’t stop running during those 5 months off. But my training changed significantly, for various reasons. On average, I ran only 2-3 miles twice a week. I started doing yoga (love!!!) and started focusing more on strength training, something that I’d neglected almost entirely while training for the marathon.
So when it came time for my Magic Mile a few weeks ago, I knew I wouldn’t come close to my fastest time. However…I had no idea that I wouldn’t come close to my slowest time either! I ran my Magic Mile in 9:20. Still a respectable time, but a full 51 seconds slower than my original timed mile. I was disappointed, but I trust the Galloway program and had faith that I’d be put in the correct pace group.
A New Galloway Group?
I began my training in the 9:00-9:30 pace group, which run-walks at a 2:1 interval and trains at a 14:00/mile pace. I was okay with being in this group, but I missed my old running partners. Plus, truth be told, my slower mile time was driving me NUTS. I couldn’t wait to get back out there and try it again.
So…yesterday I did. And I’m super excited to tell you that I ran it in 8:29! The exact same pace that I started at last year – and the pace I needed to get put back with my old group! So starting tomorrow I will train at a 2.5:1 interval and a 13:00/mile pace…but more importantly, I will be running with my old group and my old friends!!!
See you tomorrow, M & M’s!
Kris says
Woohoo!! Congrats! Perhaps one day I’ll join you….otherwise I’ll pig out with you 🙂
sharon says
How about every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday? hee hee
Brianne says
I’ll be proud of you no matter what your Magic Mile is! Love you! 🙂
sharon says
thanks xo
Michele C. says
You go girl!!!!!!!
sharon says
It’s not as much fun without my running buddy though. 🙂
Michele C. says