Funny story. Amelia, my 9 year old, has been vlogging for years. Her videos are adorably hilarious – you should check out her channel if you get a chance.
She and her BFF also created a YouTube channel together. This week, out of nowhere, one of their videos started getting a crazy number of views. In 6 days, their video has gotten 4.1K views, and they’ve gone from 7 subscribers to 80 and counting! Do we have future stars in the making?
I have a YouTube channel too, and I have to tell you – these girls are putting me to shame.
Nah, I’m kidding (mostly). But their success did give me the push I needed to make my first new vlog post in several months. It’s a Q & A, and I cover some of the spinal fusion related topics I’m asked about most often. Check it out and tell me what you think!
My channel primarily focuses on my spinal fusion, but we do post some travel and product review videos there as well. If you haven’t already subscribed, I’d love it if you would. I’d also love to hear your suggestions for future vlog post ideas.
Have a great weekend, friends!
Regina says
Hi Sharon, Im laying on my couch reading everyones response to your blog. Im 6 weeks post-op from a anterior posterior lumbar fusion L4-5 and L5-S1 decompression. I think if they told people how the recovery was going to be know one would have the surgery. It is definitely one of the hardest thing I have ever gone thru both physically and mentally. I have 4 kids,work full time, went to the gym 4-5 times a week and Im 50. The first 2 weeks were awful. Felt like I pretty much had to teach myself how to walk again. I was crying all the time. Nobody has mentioned wearing a brace. Im in one for 10 weeks with walking and driving. The 3rd week I was able to take small walks outside which help alot. The 4th week I could start driving short distance. One of the main reason I had the surgery was for significant right leg pain especially when driving that has not gone away yet and probably worse. I am up to almost 2 mile walks daily but do still get very tired in the afternoon. My follow up appt is July 3rd and I hope to return to work July 9th. Definitely very concerned about my leg pain. I really enjoyed ready everyone’s responses. You dont know what to expect or what is normal so this helped me alot
Karl Glendenning says
Hi Sharon. Karl from Nottingham, England here. I am currently pre-op and have gained the most value from reading your blog (op date 28th May). It is great to share your experience and learn what has worked/not worked. You have inspired me to get back blogging about my own experience as it can be so helpful and reassuring to others. I am determined to make my fusion be a success.
Thank you!
sharon says
Hi Karl! That’s awesome – please send and/or post a link when you want to share! I’ll be thinking about you this week as your big day approaches…
Deborah Chaze says
I am grateful for your positive and encouraging words. Spinal fusions are a challenge physically and emotionally.. but you have presented all the positive outcomes of going forward to a full recovery in a very realistic manner. I am 2 months post surgery. I began a 12 week PT program two weeks after surgery. It has been a tremendous help in building back muscle strength and endurance. My mobility is still limited at this point… but much progress has been made. I have gone from a walker, to two canes, and now one cane. Healing takes time.. and more time.. and work.. and rest .. and more time. But it is all worth it. Fatigue surprised me . I have learned it is fine to take a nap or two naps or how many you need. Each day the body gets a little stronger… not in leaps, but small baby steps. My legs are getting stronger.. no pain.. no meds, no tingling in legs, no pain in back, and the fatigue is getting better too! Thank you again for creating a site of encouragement and well being of going forward with a positive spirit