So you know that 5K I was telling you about a few weeks ago? Well, it happened, and it was awesome!
Now, I feel the need to clarify. I use the term “5K” kind of loosely here. Yes, it was 3.1 miles. But it was an event called the Bubble Run – it was heavy on the “bubbles” but no so much on the “run” part. It’s a self-described “giant, effervescent party.” There’s music and mountains of colored bubbles and not a serious runner in sight.
So this seemed like the perfect post-op 5K – something fun, lighthearted, and low-pressure. And (tip) themed races are great motivators to get kids running too.
Sophia & I ran with our good friends Grace & Stacy. Check out Grace’s bubble costume in the video – kids + themed races are a good combo, like I said.
Racing + Running After Spinal Fusion Surgery
Here’s a quick peek at our race day fun. We didn’t get quite as much on video as I’d hoped, but we were trying to keep our phones as dry as possible. As you’ll see towards the end of the vlog post, I got unexpectedly soaked by a huge blast of foam while recording.
By the end of the race, we were soaked & dirty, our shoes were muddy, and we were starving – the kind of hunger that only Chick-fil-a can satisfy.
As far as the actual 3.1 miles – I walked them. But honestly? I’m not sure I could’ve run if I’d tried. The course was crowded and muddy, and I don’t recall anyone actually running-running. Walking 3.1 miles was a piece of cake for me, as I expected it to be. I’ve been walking 3+ miles regularly since a couple of months after my surgery. I probably could’ve walked another 3.1 miles, especially with such fun company and conversation.
So it was a great start. Next step: a “real” 5K. Maybe I’ll even be able to run parts of it. RUNNING! Can you believe it? I’m coming for ya.
Janice @ Salads 4 Lunch says
Sounds like a fun time! I did a Color Run with my daughters YEARS ago and they still talk about it. Good luck in your next 5k!
sharon says
That’s another one I’d love to do! My dad did it not too long ago (he posted about it here) and he didn’t love it. But he’s pretty hard core. 🙂
Michele C. Cook says
Woohoo!!! It must have been exciting even to walk it. And I’m sure the girls had a blast!!!!