Beachbody 3 Day Refresh Review
This summer, it seemed like the Beachbody 3 Day Refresh was everywhere I looked. Facebook. Instagram. Pinterest. Bloggers everywhere were raving about this thing. Post after post said that if I did the 3 Day Refresh, I was going to lose a few pounds, sleep great, feel energized…all without feeling hungry!!!
Well, I bought it. I bought the hype – and I bought the 3 Day Refresh.*
While the kids were home for the summer, I’d been running less and eating poorly. I’d put on a few pounds that I couldn’t seem to shed. I didn’t like the way I looked or the way my clothes were fitting. I knew the 3DR wouldn’t be easy and that it wouldn’t reverse 3 months of bad habits. But I admit, I did like the idea of a quick fix. I’d read about people who’d lost as much as 9-10 pounds in 3 days – and I only needed wanted to lose 3. Sure, it would be challenging. But I’m a badass marathon runner. I can handle challenges.
Optimistic? Totally. Naive? Probably.
See, here’s the thing about those rave reviews – all but one or two of them were written by Beachbody Coaches. Beachbody Coaches are (among other things) independent distributors of Beachbody products. The 3 Day Refresh is a Beachbody product.
See where I’m going here?
Please don’t misunderstand. I’m absolutely not discrediting product reviews written by Beachbody Coaches. If you’re affiliated with a company, it stands to reason that you like its products. And if you like Beachbody products (like Shakeology) enough to become a distributor, then it makes perfect sense that you’d be a fan of a program like the 3DR. But to be fair – Beachbody Coaches do earn money when you purchase products from them. And it doesn’t take a business or marketing degree to know that if you want people to buy your product, you need to say good things about it.
image source
So am I discounting reviews that were written by Beachbody Coaches? Absolutely not. Was every single one of them glowing? No. But is it fair to call those reviews unbiased? Nope.
To get a truly impartial opinion of a product, it needs to be tested by someone who is not personally invested in it – someone who doesn’t stand to lose or gain anything by how the review is perceived. I read TONS of blog posts before deciding to purchase the 3DR, and I only came across one review that I’d consider negative. Some reviews listed pros and cons, but not one post said, “The 3 Day Refresh stinks” or even “This program was not right for me.”
So I’m here today to tell you that, in my humble and unbiased opinion: 1) This program was not right for me; and 2) The 3 Day Refresh stinks.
So what exactly is the 3 Day Refresh? It’s a low-calorie meal plan that combines clean foods and supplemental shakes. You can read a complete description of the Refresh HERE. Instead of breaking down the details, I’m going to give you my summary of the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly, based on my own personal experience.
The Good
Let’s start with what wasn’t terrible.
1. The Results. As promised, I lost 3.6 pounds. I don’t think I lost any inches, but I can’t be sure since I was measuring myself on a caffeine-deprived brain.
2. Caffeine-Free Life. Speaking of caffeine, the only coffee permitted in the Refresh is black – no thank you. I drank lots of tea during those 3 days, and I really enjoyed it. I experimented with some different teas, including Lipton Green Tea with Mandarin Orange and Yerba Mate. Both were yummy.
3. Fresh Veggies. I don’t get enough veggies in my diet, so it was great to be reminded how much I enjoy fresh veggies, either raw or lightly steamed.
4. Avocados. Best. Healthy. Fat. Ever.
The Bad
1. Stevia. It’s 100% my fault for not checking the ingredients before purchasing the Refresh. But all 3 nutrition supplement products (Shakeology, Fiber Sweep, and Vanilla Fresh) contain Stevia. I HATE STEVIA. Actually, to be fair, I hate, despise, loathe ALL artificial/non-sugar sweeteners – including Stevia. I chose Vegan Tropical Strawberry Shakeology as my breakfast shake, and it wasn’t terrible, but I did have to add some extra frozen fruit to mask the taste of the Stevia.
UPDATE: Be sure to check out my Shakeology review too!
2. Fiber Sweep. This is actually the one element of the 3 Day Refresh that received negative reviews across the board. Have you ever used Metamucil? It’s kind of like that – thick and gritty with a citrusy flavor. On the bright side, it’s only 8 ounces, so it’s pretty easy to chug. Unfortunately, it didn’t really seem to do its job for me. More on that in a minute.
3. Caffeine Withdrawal. Sure, I drank my two cups of caffeinated tea each day. But the caffeine headache attacked with a vengeance, especially on day one. And keep in mind, I drink ONE cup of coffee every morning. I seldom drink caffeine past 10:00 a.m. If you’re used to drinking lots of caffeine throughout the day, you should really consider weaning yourself off it before starting the 3 Day Refresh.
4. Fatigue. I had absolutely no energy. My whole body felt heavy and tired. And running? Forget about it. I didn’t exercise at all during those 3 days. I couldn’t. And this lovely improved sleep that I was expecting? Didn’t happen. I didn’t sleep well at all – partly because I was so dang starved every evening.
5. The Food. Okay, so I guess the food itself was fine. The problem was that there just wasn’t a whole lot of it. No meat, no dairy, no carbs, no sugar – in other words, not a whole lot to fill your tummy. Carrots are great, but they don’t make me feel full. Neither does organic vegetable broth.
The Ugly
1. So. Freaking. Hungry. So let’s get down to the nitty gritty. Did every review describe feeling “not hungry” during the Refresh? No. But plenty of them did.
“I was not hungry at all.”
“The shakes satisfy your hunger throughout the day.”
“I didn’t feel hungry at all.”
“Best part…you’re not hungry.”
“It was easy and I was not hungry.”
I could continue, but you get the point. So here’s what I want to know. The 3 Day Refresh is about a 900 calorie/day diet. How is it possible for an average adult to NOT feel hungry on just 900 calories a day? Personally, I was famished. I mean, stomach growling, pounding headache, zero energy, almost to the point of nauseous hungry. And that was just before lunch. I ended up having to eat an extra 1/2 a banana before bed each night just to curb my hunger enough to sleep.
2. Vanilla Fresh. I’m just going to say it. I found the Vanilla Fresh to be disgusting. I absolutely hated it and could barely get it down. This, above all else, was a complete surprise and disappointment – because everything I read described the Vanilla Fresh as fine, good, yummy, tasty, or delicious. Surely there’d been some mix-up in shipping and I’d gotten the wrong stuff, because my shakes were just godawful. I tried them blended with fruit, with and without ice, with cinnamon, nutmeg, vanilla extract – but nothing helped. I couldn’t drink more than half of a shake, which of course left me even more calorie-deprived and hungry.
On day 2, in a hunger-fueled frenzy, I went online and searched for someone who could offer suggestions or relate. The only thing I found was a forum where some poor, hungry soul like myself had posted seeking advice about his dislike of the Vanilla Refresh – and most of the responses he received were (how do I say this nicely?) less than supportive. The only constructive suggestion was that he return the 3 Day Refresh and ask for a refund. This was day 2 for me, and at the time it sounded like a fabulous idea. I couldn’t drink any more of these terrible shakes. I went as far as packing everything in the box to return it – but then I decided that since I was already halfway done, I might as well stick the darn thing out. So I did.
3. Tummy Bloat. Ahem. How do I put this delicately? I don’t think the Fiber Sweep actually “swept” anything. At the end of every day, I was so bloated that if you stuck a pin in my tummy, it would have popped. It was really, really uncomfortable. Look at the pictures below and you’ll see what I mean. The one on the left was taken at about 6:00 a.m. on day one, and the one on the right was taken at about 10:00 p.m. that same day.
It probably took about 3 or 4 days after finishing the Refresh for the uncomfortable bloating to completely stop.
3 Day Refresh: My Final Thoughts
1. Would I do the 3 Day Refresh again? Heck no.
2. Would I recommend it to other people? Who? Sure. I’d recommend the 3 Day Refresh to people who are already fans of Shakeology and other Beachbody products, as well as people who enjoy/tolerate protein shakes and don’t mind the taste of Stevia. If you need to lose a few pounds FAST and if you can handle being hungry for 3 days, you might do well with this program. As much as I hated it, I DID lose 3.6 pounds. That part is undeniable.
3. What happened on day 4? I put about half of the weight back on almost immediately – like the next day. But once I got past the bloating problem, my stomach did feel flatter and my clothes fit a little better. It’s been about a month, and I’ve managed to keep off about 2 of the 3 pounds.
Above all, remember that all of the above is just one girl’s opinion. Your mileage may vary. Just make sure you do your research before investing your money in this (or any) program, because as I learned the hard way, it’s NOT for everyone.
Do you have questions about the 3 Day Refresh that you’d like answered by a non-Beachbody Coach? Ask away in the comments below. Just don’t shoot the messenger.
[Updated 8/13/18: If you’re reading this post, chances are it’s your first time on this blog – and I’m glad you’re here! This post was written in October 2014 (when this blog was barely a year old), and I’ve learned a lot since then. I’ve read every single one of your comments, many of which made me laugh (with you, not at you, I promise). And some of your comments have helped me understand why I did not have a successful experience with the 3 Day Refresh:
- I was looking for a quick fix – a way to lose a few pounds in a few days. But from what I’ve come to understand, the 3DR is not designed as a weight loss program – it’s more of a detox or cleanse. So in theory, my body was shedding toxins and other gross stuff – not necessarily pounds. It’s also why I felt so horrible – a detox isn’t supposed to feel good, you know?
- Several people have suggested that my extreme bloating and gas might have been related to my diet before the 3DR, which was not great. My body had a lot of crap to shed. It seems like people who maintain a healthier diet in general tend to have less of a problem with bloating on the 3DR.
- A few people have taken issue with me referring to Stevia as an artificial sweetener. To be fair, my exact words were “artificial/non-sugar sweetener.” Yes, Stevia comes from a plant, which makes it non-artificial. But it IS a sugar substitute. And I hate ALL sugar substitutes. My opinion has absolutely nothing to do with the origin or manufacture of Stevia. I just simply hate the way that it tastes.
- Quite a few people have recommended the 21 Day Fix as a less drastic (albeit longer) version of the 3DR. My friend Stacy tried it out and gives her thoughts HERE.
Thanks for reading – and maybe stick around for a bit? Life has taken some interesting turns in the last couple of years. I had major spinal surgery in May 2016, and I’ve been journaling about my experience both pre- and post-surgery here, if that’s of interest to you. Either way, I’m glad you’re here, and I hope that your experience with the 3 Day Refresh turns out better than mine. xo, Sharon]
* I’m not affiliated with Beachbody in any way, and I purchased the 3 Day Refresh with my own money. No discount, no blogger perk, nothing. I contacted a Beachbody Coach to make the purchase, and not the other way around.
J Norris says
I don’t do beachbody workouts, though my program is similar, and have no association. I wouldn’t say 3DR is delicious or comfortable, but it works for me. Like a cold shower and a hot coffee on a medium-grade hangover. It’s a wake up if you’re randomly sticking bits of the kids left-over muffins in your mouth and skipping workouts for work deadlines. The whole time I just think: “WHY can’t you do this on your own? WHY do you pay $80 and a high carbon footprint to drink fake sugar and be told what to eat? How much WORSE would it be if you pay for it and don’t do it?” But it’s like it gives me an instant, genuine aversion to junkfood and processed food that stays for weeks if not months.
So, it works pretty well for me as a slap in the face to pay attention to my body. e.g. I used it to kickstart a Whole30, which I deeply truly love but never seem to be able to get underway. Weight loss is something I guess, a few pounds, but it’s really just a mental exercise. I’m bigger, so 3 pounds is like nothing – I gain more than that in water with one slice of bacon, lose more if I’m out all day at the beach dehydrating. A juice fast would be tastier and roughly the same, but personally, I’d probably break because I didn’t pay for it.
Gina says
Long time fitness enthusiast and healthy eater here. And ex fitness trainer. I think this whole feet is ridiculous. What do you expect from a three day cleanse? Have none of you done a cleanse before? I expected everything I’m feeling right now, including the headache and taste drinking all the drinks. I think y’all just need something to complain about. If you really want to lose weight or get back on track, drink the drink, deal with a headache, it’ll be worth it in the end. It’s called stick to it ness. Optimism.
The willingness to commit, even if it taste yucky to achieve the changes you desire in your body. I thought the speed was embarrassing to read. Come on ladies, you can do this. Suck it up!
Good luck on your journeys. I think you’ll need it.
Juju Bee says
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. So suck it up buttercup.
Joie says
I’ve been with Beachbody for two years and have nothing to show for it. I did sign-up to be a coach, got certified and tried promoting myself on social media. However, the product’s don’t agree with me since starting 3 day refresh last month and the year before that my sugar binging is bad. Resulting, in bloating stomach. Extreme sugar cravings, gaining the weight back, lack of energy and fearful of eating food. I like the programs but their products don’t agree with me and the coaching doesn’t seem to be taking off. From the moment, I started eating carbs and sugar again my stomach flair ups have been bad. One week any kinds of foods lay on my stomach and then the next my stomach balloons up and can’t fall asleep. In a way, this is my fault because I’m having a hard time getting back on track. For the past year I’ve been testing my body non stop by eating sugar like you would a meal. So far I lost three teeth because of it, bloated thighs, fatigue workout performance and sugar withdrawals. But when I was not eating carbs, sugar, gum and soda my stomach had abs. I was semi energetic and not obsessing over this sugar issue. Thing’s are so bad that I joined WW and starting over again. And not to sound grotesque but I’m always constipated and gassy. Fingers crossed that I will get over this hurtle and lose this weight I gained back due to my lack of judgment.
Lindsey Mulcahy says
I AGREE! i think it tastes so horrible i actually vomited!!! it made me feel super weak and it just tastes disgusting. Ive done cleanses before where i was hungry but i at least liked the juice etc. this was PAINFUL to get down and i wanted to vomit every time. I have 1 day left and im considering dumping but i want to see if i can find a way maybe only put half in at a time idk!!! I dont want to waste my money lol
Sarah F. says
Wow….I feel every single word you wrote! I am a BB discount coach and same thing heard everyone rant and rave over it. I figured alright, I will try it. I completed not even all of day 1. By dinner time I felt super dizzy and sick. I knew this was my body telling me to eat and put this crap in the trash. And when I say eat it was still a healthy dinner. (grilled chicken with spaghettis squash & marinara). Personally depriving my body and only eating 1/2 a banana is not for me. Also the Fiber sweep…I have never passed gas that smelled like that before. I thought I was going to die.
Secondly, I hate Shakeology. I think its gritty and just blah. When my friends sign up, I tell them my honest opinion, maybe thats why I dont sell a ton. But I dont care, I think being honest is so important. I do LOVE the workouts though and the portion containers but that’s about it. My body weight fluctuates 1-3lbs depending on the day and truly feel depriving myself of food is not the way I want to go to lose 3lbs. I do still love BB workouts
Maggie says
I feel the exact same way!
Luigi says
100% agree with this review. My friend and I are doing the program and have just finished day 1. I’ve been STARVING since 9 AM and it’s now 11:29 PM and I can’t sleep because I’m so hungry. I typically eat ~2500 calories a day (lucky to only weight 150lbs thanks to exercising and my metabolism). Cutting down to ~900 gave me headaches, lack of energy and it made me very irritable. I even have some nausea from the hunger. The shakeology and the fiber sweep didn’t taste bad but the Vanilla Fresh was absolutely disgusting. I gagged while chugging it. Absolutely horrendous. I didn’t experience the bloating because I typically get a good amount of psyllium fiber each day already. Your body needs a few days to get used to the fiber. I just don’t think this program is for someone who exercises regularly, needs the higher calories and generally eats well. I don’t know how someone can even do mild exercise with the lack of energy I felt. I’ll come back later to tell you how my friend did and how we do throughout the rest of the program.
Meg says
I’m at the end of day 1. Caffeine headache, so hungry and the bloating! I thought this was supposed to help bloating, I look pregnant! My abdomen is too painful to touch. Hoping day 2 is better!
Kasey says
Thank you for the honesty. . those are the best reviews!
I am currently an active BB Coach and I actually AGREE 100% with your review! I am trying it for the first time, and I just am not a fan. I am ending Day 2 and I don’t feel like the others say they did. I actually feel MORE hungry than I normally do, I am lightheaded and I gag when I drink the fiber sweep! Lol yes, I am already down a couple of pounds, but with the 3-Day Refresh, I’m sure I will gain it back when going back to eating normal after Day 3.
The big positive for me is that I can say that I did it/I tried it.
I am not going to knock it though because it could be a benefit for someone else, but for me, just not my thing. 🙂
Courtney says
WOW I finished the 3DR last week…it took me one whole week to be able to go to the bathroom with an actual movement after this. Talk about bloating and putting on excess weight.. I lost 2lb on 3DR which came back on immediately, hated all the drinks and was exhausted and frustrated and couldn’t understand why I was starving myself and why everyone had loved this cleanse so much that I had spoken to.
I’m actually apart of beachbody (not coaching) and have had a great experience down 10 lb, working out daily and have tried multiple products with no issue…but I have to admit after going through this I want to make an effort on trying to get a refund. As a loyal customer I’m so disappointed and wouldn’t recommend this cleanse to anyone else.
Thank you for making me feel like I’m not alone!
Ashlee says
Good review! It super honest and pretty spot-on! 😉
I’m doing the refresh currently and on day 2. I’ve tried this before, but failed on day 1.
I’m doing ok this time. I’m not starving or really even hungry, I just want food! Lol I like food and I like to cook. So it’s a bit of a struggle to cook for my family and then walk away to eat broth and carrots lol. The shake isn’t great, I like Shakeology, but don’t care for the vanilla shake or the fiber. And I’m dreading my morning fiber drink today!
But I’ll be interested to see if I still feel bloating after the full 3 days or if I’ve lost any weight.
JGirl says
Found you cause I am on Day 3 and I am so bloated and uncomfortable. I havent had a BM in 3 days. The fiber sweep bloats me. I felt fine before I drank it and now Im in pain again. It tastes disgusting. The Vanilla Fresh is also awful. I like Shakeology. I have been on BB and doing programs but my coach said to do this after Turkey Day but I didnt even really eat off my meal plan or have dessert. I have stuck to MM100 for 70 days and never cheated on meal plan. I feel awful! So exhausted 1st day I fell asleep by 8. Could barely function at all. I felt great today until 40 min ago when I drank fiber sweep. All it did was bloat me and sweep away my energy. Forget working out…I am now behind 3 days on MM100.
I will NEVER do this again. Been on many cleanses in the past and I have never experienced what I am right now.
Joie says
I just started the 3-day refresh cleanse because I’m a binge eater and have been feeling a lot sluggish for a while now. Plus, I gained 5 lbs due to a death in my family and a friend of mine who works for beach Body recommended it. So I gave it knowing I couldn’t afford it because I’m not going back to work til next week and have an in pulse to want to lose this 5 lbs already. I drink the shakes in the morning which doesn’t fill me up but love the chocolate vegan one. So my question is do you have any recommendations for detoxifying my body and losing weight?
Deb says
I absolutely love this review. I am a huge consumer of Beachbody fitness programs and love their performance line. I figured I would give this whole 3 Day Refresh after my cruise and all the drinking and poor eating I did. I have no idea how people say they have energy and are full because I feel like a lump! Luckily I have off this week but I couldn’t imagine doing this and functioning at my job. I am on Day 3 right now and can’t wait for breakfast tomorrow morning! Just to get rid of this headache I’ve had for the past 3 days. I read so many reviews and the majority of them are so overly positive about how people felt. I’m glad I’m not the only one who isn’t loving it! Thanks again for your honest post.
Chanelle says
Thanks so much for the honest, raw truth!
Angie says
I’m on day 3, and honestly don’t feel that horrible. I have had a little bloating but not to the point where it is uncomfortable. I was really worried about that after reading the pamphlet. I typically drink a lot of coffee, I haven’t drank any coffee now for 3 days and surprisingly haven’t felt extremely tired or get a headache. I have only had 1 cup of green tea, which was today. I wasn’t wild about the fiber sweep– however I decided to try drinking it with a straw and that seemed to help a lot! I also didn’t like the vanilla fresh, then the 2nd day decided to add some cinnamon in it and it helped a lot as well! FYI I’m not a coach, just a customer 🙂
Fallon says
Man I wish I saw this before! I didn’t even make it through day 1!!! I had my fiber sweep. Within the hour I had a terrible headache and started to get extremely nauseous. It’s been several hours and now my stomach just feels extremely bloated. I won’t finish this period. Also it’s not my first time doing a cleanse. I actually love shakeology and can chug the fiber but those effects afterwards were awful.
sarah says
I’m a Beachbody discount coach, I tried being an active coach but honestly the MLM business is just not for me.
But I love shakeology and what it’s done for me and my family over the years. For me personally I lost 120lbs in a year following the beachbody programs, shakes and meal plans.
For my mom she lost 40lbs in 4 months and has kept it off for 2 years. She has been able to get off all her medications for cholesterol and other various prescriptions. Every time she goes to her doctor he just raves at how healthy she is, they say she had the heath of a 20 year old and she’s almost 60!
I did read your review update which actually answered a lot of the questions or disagreements I had with what you said in your initial review. So thank you for that.
After I lost the 120lbs in 2011 I kept the weight off for 5 years! Yay! But them my husband and I had a baby and I just completely went off the wagon. I breastfed for 13 months and found myself so hungry all the time and I reached for what was easy not what was healthy. Since give birth I have gained 40lbs…I could just cry! I decided to get back on beachbody again as a discount coach to get Shakeology cheaper.
I really want to try the 3 day refresh as a way to detox before I start my new healthy diet and exercise regime. I really need to get away from all the sweets I consume.
However every time I find a review, it’s from an active Beachbody Coach, so it’s nice to find a review from a non Coach for a truly unbiased review, so thank you again.
I feel like the results you had are exactly what I’m looking for, a short detox just to jumpstart by body and reset it before I start this new fitness journey!
With the weight I gained from pregnancy and then the 40lbs I gained AFTER giving birth I have a total of 60lbs to lose, it’s a bit overwhelming but I finally feel like I’m in the place mentally that I need to be in order to be successful!
Send prayers and positive vibes my way because I seriously need to get back to ME!
Again thank you for your review and update it has helped me out ALOT!
ML says
Love your review – you pretty much summed up what I wanted to say. I did not like the shake and especially the after taste that left me feeling awful all day. I had no energy and was hungry- all I could think about was food. I did not like the fiber sweep so I mixed it with the shake. I did feel bloated like you and I finished my day 3 today. I had to work out today so I added a teaspoon of coffee in my shake. I had other cleanse before and I like the Floressence 7 day kit.
Chelsea says
OK, just gaged my way through day 2 of Fiber Sweep. OMG, I can handle Shakeology (I actually like it), I can handle the Vanilla Fresh (for the most part), but that Fiber Sweep… I just can’t. I’m actually twitching thinking about doing this again tomorrow. I know it’s all good for me, so I can’t complain too much, but I wanted to say thank you for your review. I am going through the 3DR right now and can totally relate.
Danielle says
Lord have mercy. I am on day 3… I am so hangry, I am starting a GoFundMe for bail money if/when I get arrested for shanking someone. I can’t let myself quit anything so I will power thru dinner but OY. The Vanilla Refresh is freaking terrible, I actually take the fiber sweep over it. The last Refresh I did, I broke the rules and added some peanut butter powder to it, in hopes in masking the stevia flavor. The fiber sweep has actually not swept anything and I am also super bloated. Let’s hope I am at least resetting all my cravings for all things sugar!
Sharon Wilhelm says
LOL! Put your hands in the air and back away from the shakeology… 🙂 Honestly, I get why the Fiber Sweep is bad, and I can chalk shakeology up to personal tastes (maybe). But oh man. It’s been 4 years and I can still remember how bad that stuff tasted.
Sam says
Doing the fiber sweep now and am literally gagging. I should drink/jug it fast but I’m sipping it with a straw. It’s so gross! I wonder if I can return the package?
Sharon Wilhelm says
You can – at least last I checked, Beachbody had a good return policy. I strongly considered returning mine…
Lydia Hubbard says
I am a Beachbody Coach, and love all the products except my experience with this, and I did share my journey and my experience with it. I will not be doing it again at all. I definitely had to power through that Fiber Sweep, and ended up throwing it up the last day.
But I do have friends that had great success and it didnt taste as bad to them as I felt it was.
I’d much rather stick go 2bmindset! Simple, Sustainable, and Sensible!!!
Eileen says
I wish I had read this before I started
Today was day one for me and I agree with everything I am not going to continue because I literally can’t get the shakes down without gagging ( I do gag easily ) there is one good thing about it though I do love the books that give you snack ideas on healthy eating I think I am going to continue to eat clean on my own ( eat rather than drink) and see how it goes
Kendra Elaine says
Im on my last day of th refresh and I can’t even bring myself to finish the last meal and shake . I’m STARVING. And I don’t feel good because I’m so hungry. Plus that vanilla fresh shake is so chalky and chunky it doesn’t mix well even in a blender there are chunks . I also have the absolute worst gas ever . It could choke a maggot. Wondering why I thought this would be a good idea. The coach messaged me “let me know if you want to try any work out plans after.” I’d probably faint trying to do a workout after 3 days of starvation.
Sarah says
Oh man. I could literally echo almost every word. Fiber sweep… gag… and sweeping nothing. So. Hungry. So. Tired. SO IRRITABLE. My kids don’t like mommy on 3-day refresh! And yes, the bloat. Ugh.
And is anyone else peeing like 1milliontimrs a day!? I drink massive amounts of water all the time in daily life and never pee this much!
I don’t think the vanilla refresh is bad at all and I do love the vegan choc. Shakeology. I have one more day to go. I feel like if I spent the money and made it through 2 days I should finish the 3rd. But I want to quit so bad!!
sharon says
Hey Sarah, did you stick it out? That’s exactly how I felt after 2 days…
Sarah says
I totally hear you on the cost. Personally, I LOVE choc. Vegan shakeology. I love the taste, but moreover, I love that it literally eradicates my PCOS symptoms. Ive tried prescription meds and numerous supplements but nothing changes. Within a few weeks of starting shakeology, my symptoms start to subside and then vanish. My symptoms being, acne, severe hair loss and irregular periods. So SOMETHING, some combination of things in shakeology work to balance my body. So that’s why the price is worth it to me!
sharon says
Wow, that’s so amazing that it helps manage your symptoms that effectively. It would be worth the money for me too. I just wish I liked the taste. 🙁
Selena says
Loved your post here…Id love to know how much water you were drinking while doing this detox.
Did you gain any good habits while doing this?
sharon says
Hey Selena! I can’t say for sure, but I think it’s a pretty safe guess that I wasn’t drinking nearly enough water. I did start incorporating more veggies into my diet after this experience!
heatherchristine312 says
Everything you’re hating on is pretty much taste lol! Just because you don’t like the taste of the shakes does not mean it’s not a good cleanse. You also mentioned bloat which in the write up it clearly tells you that this is normal and actually signifies it’s working. You are not supposed to do strenuous workouts to give your body the chance to cleanse and heal. No we cannot survive on 900ish calories but for a cleanse that’s pretty normal! Considering you’re a very fit runner at 116lbs … I’m not sure how much weight you expected to lose and keep off?? I found this less of a solid review and more just complaining.
sharon says
Lol, you’re not wrong. I really really did hate the taste. 🙂
Tiffany says
This article is great and hit on every point so I couldn’t have said it better. I’m on day 2 and wish I’d read this article first. Quite frankly I don’t get headaches and day 1 was horrible and now today I have a headache as well. Since I’ve come this far I will finish my final day tomorrow but boy it was not worth it. 900 calories …. I can’t believe I’m still standing. Thanks for this info!
Tatiana says
Thank you for this review! I actually came across it after I ordered the kit. It did help me lower my expectations and prepare myself for the taste of the shakes. I was quite surprised that I actually enjoyed the vanilla shake and the fiber drink. I’m not a fan of Shakeology but I could take it for 3 days. I’m on the second day of this program and so far I haven’t felt hungry, or even had a headache (surprising because I used to drink coffee daily and a lot of black tea). Will see how I feel by the end of day 3 but so far it’s been very good. I have the energy to do a mild workout and planning on going to a dance class on day 3. I’m a fan of 21 day fix and I lost about 20 lbs of the stubborn weight that I couldn’t shed in 2 years after having a baby. I hope this detox program helps me get back on track with the better eating habits
Amy says
Great review and I appreciate your honesty. I’m not a coach and I tried it twice. I personally felt full and had no issues at all. I even worked out, had no fatigue and no belly bloat. I did use the restroom a lot more. I guess all our bodies are different and this proves that. I can see how people will have a difficult time if they don’t eat very healthy before this or workout intensely. I chose to workout but I did not do intense strenuous workouts. Maybe I’m strange because I liked the flavor of everything even the fiber sweep. Ive tried other fiber drinks and they were thick and hard to chug, this one was more liquid. Maybe because I drank it quick. With that said, I don’t intend on doing their 21 day program if it’s like this because in the long run I need a bigger salad and food with flavor 🙂 (note I don’t know how the 21 day program is). Thanks for your review.
Pierre Castanets says
Vanilla Refresh is nasty!
Shauna says
I just had my last meal on the 3 day refresh. I drank caffeine on day 2. Headache was insane. I didn’t Mind the fiber or the vanilla. Not sure why everyone Is finding that so horrible. Down 6 lbs in 2 days. It was hard… but I wasn’t at all hungry. Not one time. Here’s the thing… I was NOT eating even close to well … think pizza and diet soda daily… I actually needed to reset. Spending the money and doing this for 3 days was EXACTLY the kick I needed. Not terribly bloated. I ate more veggie servings than it said I could… and probly an extra fat serving. In love with avocado. I added tuna to my salad tonight. Had to. All in all, very worth it. Salad tastes good. Carb cravings are much less and it gave me a good start. I’m even considering buying another kit and doing it each Monday. It was hard. It was supposed to be. But far awful
Kristen Paterson says
I thought the fiber fresh was fine. A small amount and citrus flavor. I mean you aren’t having to chew it or swish it around so it’ snot all that bad. The snacks are what I would normally eat because I follow the 21 day fix portion control eating meal plan. The Vanilla is not my fav but each person is diff. It reminded me of easy bake oven cake mix, LOL. Since we can put fruit in it the taste is way better. The dinner is good and since we can drink the shake again at dinner I felt full. The most impact thing for me honestly was waking up and drinking 10 oz of water. it is totally out of my norm and I felt refreshed and was not so hungry for breakfast right away. The refresh is not supposed to be some miraculous amazing thing, it’s a refresh. So my opinion is take it for what it is worth and obey it to a T if you truly want to refresh. Speaking of Tea I usually drink at least 2 cups of coffee a day so I did miss it but I did not get the headaches like others had posted. All in all it was great and I wish I could do it every week!
Alicia says
Ugh! I’m so mad that I just found this. I’ve already bought it and started it and I hate it! I’m starving and the shakes are disgusting. I will never do something like this again. I appreciate your unbiased review of this product. It’s making me feel so much better.
Alison says
Thank you SO much for letting me know that I am not alone in HATING this cleanse. I felt so inadequate, so I appreciate your honesty, because it’s exactly how I feel about it.
sharon says
HI! I don’t see your email – probably a button I need to click somewhere. 🙂 I don’t typically allow guest posting, but if you have a specific idea you’re welcome to send me a message at mommyrunsit at gmail dot com.
YC says
Hi Sharon,
Thanks for sharing your experience. I’m on day 3 of my second time doing the 3DR. I did it for the first time last month after months of research and decided to give it a shot. I’m a coach but i’ve been studying health/nutrition for several years and have done other types of detoxes before so I knew what I should expect. The first time i didnt exercise at all mostly because of time and I wanted to see how my body would react to the cleanse without any added stressors. I lost 5lbs and 3.65 inches (which for me was AMAZING) lol. 2 of those inches were off my waist alone. I was hungry but not totally HAAAAANNNGRRRY per se. lol.
This second time around though I find that it’s been even BETTER than the first time. I’m not as hungry, I feel fuller through out the day, and I’ve even worked out and had left over energy. I think everyone’s body reacts differently. I personally have issues with being regular and this certain gets me going and even though like you said the shakes are totally delicious, I’m ok with sucking it up for 3 days at the end of the month to get my digestive system cleaned out.
Hope this helps! 🙂
Erin says
Thank you for writing this! I’m on day 2 of the Refresh, and I definitely have mixed emotions about it. I think that since I’ve been using Shakeology and I’ve had a mostly plant and lean protein (and wine) diet over the past few months, I haven’t been noticing the bloat. Except this morning. IT WAS BAD. I won the detox as a prize through a Beachbody group and I am a coach, but I only pay the coaching fee because it saves me $15 a month on my shakeology orders and $20 if I purchase anything else. And I am happy to send my link to anyone else to buy through me if they want to try it, but I’m not actively trying to sell.
I read your blog today because I wanted to see what others who tried it with a skeptical eye thought of it. I agree with the fiber drink. It’s awful. And I got a phone call right after I started drinking it this morning, so I had to let it sit for about 5 minutes. Just like Cream of Wheat, it thickens as it stands. So nasty. But I do think that it’s been helping clear me out. I also slept really well last night, so maybe it just helps some people sleep better than others. If you want a really good night sleep though, try a magnesium drink. I use Natural Calm, and they sell it at Natural Grocers.
Thanks for sharing your opinion, and I hope that I lose a few pounds too!
Nicole Foster says
Is there another brand that you would recommend? What is your favorite plant based meal replacement shake?
sharon says
That’s a great question. Honestly, after my 3DR experience it was clear that meal replacements aren’t for me. 🙂 I do have friends who love Vega One products. I don’t like the taste of those either, but you can’t go by me because I’m obnoxiously picky.
Emily says
I love this post so much. I just started day two of the three day refresh and I hated the vanilla fresh so much yesterday that I couldn’t bring myself to even make the second one at dinner … I’m going to try mixing some banana and almond butter in at lunch today to see if it makes it a little more bearable ………. I ordered this 8 months ago and finally got around to doing it or I totally would send it back …. I keep asking myself is THREE pounds in three days worth it?!??!?!?!?!?!? I’m glad to see I’m not alone in my distain for this program … Off to do the fiber sweep … Blech!!! Thanks again for your honest review!!!!
Paula Schwarzrock says
So I just finished day 1 and I feel like crap. I have the worst headache ever and so light headed I feel like I will or could pass out. This is not for me and I am a beachbody coach.
Melissa says
You realize stevia is not an artificial sweetener right?
sharon says
Hey Melissa. Yeah, like I said in my update, I know it’s not artificial. I guess a better term would be “sugar substitute.” I don’t dislike non-sugar sweeteners because of how they’re derived – I just hate the way they taste. Totally a personal thing. 🙂
Mary Kay Venus says
I LOVED your post! I’m half way through day 3 of Refresh and I hate it! I feel bloated and I haven’t eaten a thing. The vanilla is horrible, I can barely finish it, I usually throw half of it away and I don’t feel like I’ve lost any weight. I didn’t run the first 2 days but I woke up early this morning and met up with my running group but I had to stop and walk for a few minutes during the run which I never do and we were running pretty slow but I just didn’t have the energy. I’d rather run more and eat less to drop 3pounds than suffer through this diet again. On a positive note though, I am craving a whole avocado and now that feels like a full indulgence, I’m not craving bread or pasta. I’m just debating whether or not to finish the day. I just want a full salad and a whole apple! Maybe I’ll look into the 21 day fix.
I plan to snoop around your blog, and you should know that 2 years later after the 3 ads the pop up on the search, yours is the very next link.
Alice Kennedy says
hey lady! i just ordered the 3 day reset for the first time and am doing the 21 day fix as well after. i love running but have been off the wagon for about a year. i did my first NO TRAINING half last april, which should have been my wakeup call, and it was awful. I signed up for your newsletter and i hope to gain inspiration and tips, and i am excited to watch your journey back to health!
Lisa says
This is great! I did the refresh about 2 years ago and quit on the first day! I hated! I have since become a coach and am just finishing up day 1 of round and I can actually say it’s been a totally different experience. I feel good this time, I have energy and I am not starving. Previously I have told my clients that I hated it but knew other had good experiences with it. I think it has to do with the starting point!
Kiesta says
September 2016…you are number 2 in Google…right after Beachbody itself lol.
I’m glad i found you too. I had a feeling it wasn’t all it was cracked up to be, but your post made me quite certain and I’m not going to bother spending the money.
I’m friends and FB friends with a coach who always sounds like she is selling stuff and I’m quickly losing interest in even following her for that reason. I prefer honesty…and maybe, she honestly loves this stuff, or maybe she loves the money…i don’t know, but I’m no longer interested.
Thank you so so much for your post. By the comments, you have reached and warned a lot of people.
Tiwana says
OMG this is a great review! Simple, to the pioint, and honest!!!! Thanks!!!
Becky says
I’ve been looking at the refresh to jumpstart my weight loss. I see it not as a ‘cleanse’ or a ‘detox’ which are nonsense because your liver and kidneys do that just fine. I think it’s more to reset your eating habits and your palate.
However, after looking at the ingredients, you can replicate this at home pretty easily:
-Shakeology twice a day (or other protein shake. I would assume eat less fruit to help ‘reset’ your sugar consumption)
-increase fiber in your diet (Benefiber is my favorite, blends well into anything. There on the go packets are 2g fiber. I’d probably start with 1 the first day, 2 the next day in am/pm, then increase to one at each meal if still tolerating. Likely people are getting enough fiber to not need a crazy amount of supplementation. And jumping straight into 8 g fiber might disrupt some people’s systems!). On an interesting note, I had to shadow dieticians for work. They said the best supplement for weight loss is fiber!
-Eat one healthy meal for lunch. Lots of veggies, no-low carbs, and no meat if you’re really trying to follow the refresh.
-Drink only water, plain un-caffeinated tea, if you’re trying to cut out caffeine. You can add in all tea and black coffee if not. Alternative milks allowed for making your shakes.
-Start taking probiotics. If you can get a prescription from your doctor, that’s the way to go. the FDA does not regulate supplements to ensure what they say they have in the product is what’s actually in the product!
BOOM just saved you a lot of money, and no nasty fiber sweep/vanilla fresh!
Sandee says
You’re awesome. You made me laugh and saved me $. God Bless you!
Katie R says
Thank you for the great post! I have tried many of the Beachbody products, and seriously love them so I was seriously considering this after my cruise I’m about to take! I now know better!
I was a little weary anyways, only because the vanilla is def my least favorite out of all of the shako flavors! So i can only imagine what a clensing version would take like!!
Thank you again for your unbiased opinion. I am a Beachbody coach, and I only think it’s fair to have ALL of the facts there an available for people who have thought about the products! Keep it up girly!!
Tami Licht says
Sharon – your blog above had me laughing out loud by the end! Thank GOD you wrote it – I totally identify. My co-worker and I (who are pretty darned fit for gals in our mid-50’s) decided to take on this 3-Day “refresh” this week. Decided to do it during the work week b/c our schedules would be more regimented and we’d be more distracted.
By the end of work day one – we were STARVING! Oh my gosh. And what is that fiber crap, eh? We made a ladies’ agreement that we would allow ourselves a few more calories (like 200-300! as long as we stuck to the allowable foods. Amen to not being able to sleep on an empty stomach!
Not sure either of us will lose any weight – but we’ll see. Your comment about gaining some of it right back is hilarious – we both said we’d probably gain the 2-3 pounds back by end of week anyway.
Anyway – thanks for writing your blog. I feel better.
E Fernandez says
I didn’t last a day on this. Like you I read a lot before I ordered it but I must have missed the only 900 calories thing. I was done after the afternoon snack. I was so weak and had a horrible headache. I don’t do much caffeine so it had nothing to do with that and I eat fairly clean but this left me so lethargic I fell asleep in the afternoon because I had no energy.
Marci says
Thank goodness you wrote this!! I’m not the only one!! I swear I have never been so uncomfortable or bloated in all my life! I look 4 months pregnant for heavens sake! Never doing this again!
Alex says
I really appreciate your honesty in this review – it really helped!
Linda says
What are some diets without consuming shakes all day besides the other 3 day diet? I can do a morning shake cause I’m on the go and out the door until around 10am. I not a fan of it at lunch when everybody has a meat and salad/veggie lunch. I don’t feel content drinking a shake at night unless maybe I take a sleeping pill so I don’t wake up at 2/3am to eat which I really don’t do. I just won’t go to sleep.
Melissa says
I just did the refresh last week. I’m in no way affiliated with the company. I ordered through a friend. I did the refresh on my own. I felt it worked for me. I wanted something to help jumpstart my healthy eating. I lost 6.4 lbs. yes, I had headaches and did feel a little hungry at night but I kept telling myself it’s three days, I can get through it. I popped Advil and went to bed. I too felt bloated until the last day, I had a hard time sleeping at night and didn’t have the energy to work out. Though, I was told or read not to work out during the three days. As difficult as the refresh was at times, I’d definitely do it again. I felt great after it and felt the energy kick in. I also ordered a raw juice bundle so I could continue to eat healthy after. Also, I continued to drink a ton of water. I actually lost another pound the following day. I’m sure everyone’s results vary and it’s easy to put the weight back on but for me, it helped me continue to eat healthy and make wiser choices. I do plan on ordering another.
Mary jo says
Thanks for writing this post. My husband and I started the three day refresh today. We want to live a healthier lifestyle and lose some weight. All I read before was how great it was but yes that was from coaches so I’m relieved to read someone else was starving! My coach told me I could workout on this and I just don’t have the energy! Also I had to laugh at the vanilla refresh comment my husband drank his first one and told me it tasted like glue. I was disappointed to realize he was right. I’m glad what I’m feeling is normal! Good luck with your back surgery.
Stefanie says
I found this blog because its day 1 for me and i cant handle the vanilla shake. I was looking for tips on how to improve it so i could choke it down. 🙂 At least i know you share my pain!
Becky F. says
Thank You I was thinking about trying the 3 day refresh I am 66 over weight and Oh yes I have tried a lot of things and nothing works, so now I will try things on my own.I do know how to diet.
Ashley says
I am not a beach body coach. And just recently completed the 3 day refresh, and lost a total of 7 lbs. I didn’t just jump into the program as soon as I got the box. I actually prepared myself my slowly reducing the amount of food I ate, so that I would be as hungry. So throughout the program I was completely fine. No hunger pains. Yes it is a low calorie diet. But what I really enjoyed was the fact that it was a lot of veggies and fruit which as low in acid. Which help alkaline your body. Meat is extremely high in acid. Coming from a family that has had cancer- cancer survives off acid- if there’s no acid then it can’t live. The more alkaline your body is the better!
Tori says
So glad I found your blog about the 3 Day Refresh. Man alive, I was beginning to wonder if anyone else was suffering through the dreaded bloat like I am. I’m miserable, my pants are cutting me in half. Thankfully, I just finished up dinner on Day 3 and after I sleep I can return to my normal 21 Day Fix. The scale says I’ve lost 4 lbs so far, but I swear, with my prego looking bloated belly, I feel like I gained. I won’t be doing this again, but felt I needed to do it to get an understanding of the product since I am a new BB coach. Damn those ethics of mine. If someone asks me about it, they’ll get my full and honest review, but I personally won’t be trying it again unless a miracle happens during bedtime and all this poofiness goes away immediately.
Joel Hug says
Thanks for your honesty. Full Disclosure: I am a new BB coach.
I’m doing ok halfway through day 1 on the Refresh. We will see how it goes. I just downed the Vanilla Fresh with my lunch and it wasn’t bad for me. It’s a texture thing. I get it. My wife might throw up.
I pray your spinal surgery went ok. Keep smiling and press on! WOOHOOO!!!™
sharon says
Thank you so much! I’m doing well. I haven’t been able to post an update here because it’s still too difficult to sit upright & use a laptop, but I’m updating on social media, which I can do easily from bed. Good luck with the rest of your 3DR – hope it continues to go well. 🙂
Thamecia Bullard says
Thanks for your opinion of the program it is nice to hear a difference of point of view. Did you work out will doing this program?
sharon says
I didn’t work out at all – didn’t have the energy for it. Thanks for reading!
Kris says
I have done the 21-day fix and use a few other Beach Body products, Shakeology included, that I really like. I am on day 2 of the 3-day Refresh and I’m not a fan either. Now I eat really well on a regular basis, with the exception of a few treats. I don’t have much to detox from.
I feeling aweful!!!! My very normal bowel habits have ceased and I agree – the Vanilla shake in this kit definitely isn’t my favorite. I’ll finish out the last day because I paid for it but I doubt I’d every do it again. I do another round of the 21-day fix instead.
MaryAnn says
OMG Thank you. I just started this today and I feel like someone pumped me full of air! I just keep waiting for the fiber to sweep all of this… *ahem* … crap out of me!!! I’m so uncomfortable!!!! I actually googled “How long until you poop on the 3 day refresh” and got your post. LOVE it!
Jewelly says
Love your input regarding Beachboy’s Refresh and Shakeology, as well as your recent update. I eat healthy most of time and rarely have a bad day. I’m not a vegan but tend to eat mostly plant based foods. I haven’t tried the refresh however, I have tried the vegan Shakeology. I normally make my own protein plant based shake every day. It is full of nutrition, gives me energy, and is very healing, and keeps my weight down. I decided to try Shakeology because of all its hype as well and thought, how convenient for those mornings when I’m in a hurry. I too felt bloated and hungry ALL the time, not to mention the taste is not the best. At first I thought it was me so I turned to google and found your blog. Thanks for sharing.
Rosella says
I’ve done the 3 Day Refresh 3 times over the past year. I had no problems with it although I did feel like eating more. I felt like I was eating just enough to feel normal, but not satisfy my mental cravings.
I did NO exercise, and very little activity.
I have to say I only weighed 135 at the time,
used to 1800 calories, I don’t know how it would be for a larger person.
I don’t do coffee, so no caffeine headaches.
I couldn’t wait for it to end, but then when it was over I was so happy I did it.
I AM a Beachbody Coach. I have integrity and I’m honest about all the products and my experience with them.
I’ve been drinking Shakeology for 3 years, which is amazing and has NO artifical ingredients whatsoever, btw.
Laura says
I had to LOL while reading your review. I currently am “trying” to follow the 21 DF and I’m starving all the time and have only lost 3 lbs in 15 days.. Why do most of the reviews state the same “I can’t even eat all the food on the plan” line? I’m only 155 lbs and I’m always hungry, how is a 300 lb person not going to starve with the small portions they recommend. As for Shakeology, I bought it and I’m about 3 weeks in and do I feel anymore energetic? NOPE, NADA, ZILCH. I’m more tired now then when I started. At first I thought it was because my body was detoxing from carbs, sugars, etc., but that’s not the case. I think it’s all a scam, and at $140 for a 30 day supply, a bigger scam. It doesn’t curb my sweet tooth nor does it help with carbs. Just the other day, while drinking my shake, I ate 1/2 a bagel with it because my stomach was growling lol…..bottom line is eat clean as possible, drink a lot of water, exercise as often as you can and you will loose weight.
Kristina says
I am glad someone hates stevia and artificial sugar as much as I do. This is what holds me back from shakeology. I like the 21 day fix work outs and recipes. Have you found any other protein shakes that you like? I am searching for something that can help me with less bloating overall.
Amber says
I’m about to start this refresh; I have had it for about 4 months and just looked at it with fear. Thank you for you very real review of it! I don’t mind the protein shakes or stevia, but I HATE being hungry… we will see how long this lasts. I want to lose a total of 8lbs I gained while traveling for work and this seems like a good way to get a jump on it… we will see….
Melissa Hardy says
Same here! Ordered it in February and was just scared to open the box. I’m a regular Shakeology drinker (BB Coach right here) and I don’t mind stevia… but I already miss my coffee and I’m only about 4 hours into day 1!!! Maybe I’ll just go back to the 21 Day Fix meal plan :-/
Jen says
Thanks for sharing! My box arrives today and my boyfriend and I are both starting 3DR tomorrow. I’m doing it to kick start my 21 Day Fix ‘journey’ and he is doing it just to do a cleanse that at least allows more than just juice. I’m very nervous, having read the guidelines, as I can already tell it’s not a lot of food. I’m making my food choices based on quantities (only 2 brussels sprouts?? puhlease, I’ll take the 3 cups of lettuce for sure) so that I can at least get in as much food as possible. I work at a desk all day so I’m hoping that not moving much will make it easier, whereas my BF is a business owner and is constantly on the move. I think he’ll have a harder time.
Either way, I appreciate the review and the warning. I am not looking for a quick fix (at 40 you should already know it doesn’t exist) but I AM looking for a jump start, a way to clear my internal paths a bit… I just hope I don’t scarf a cow on day 4 when I should be on day 1 of 21 day fix by that time.
Chas says
I think as you stated, you need to already be doing a beach body program so you know what your getting into… I absolutely love the vanilla shakeo its the only one I will drink. But I really love it. I have it every morning even if I’m not doing any program. As far as the food, I’ve done the 21 day fix so I know what to expect with the kinds of foods that are recommended. I honestly don’t know why someone who is not following a clean eating program/lifestyle, would start with the refresh. Of course you would be hungry! You would go from eating “normal” to lessening your calorie intake ALOT!!! I’m so excited to get my refresh and I don’t tell anyone to do things I haven’t truely gotten good results from. I get nothing from beach body, and 100% stand behind this program. You don’t starve, you eat healthy, yummy foods, and see great results. I am a hungry hippo by nature and do not buy into programs or gimmicks. I think you may have went from 0-10 overnight which may not have been a good idea. Maybe it just wasn’t for you. Hope you got your $$$ back!!!
Theresa says
I totally agree- I am disgusted that I wasted $90 and feel heavier then I did before. I bought this before a trip I am going on next week and I feel like it put me so far back. I am so tired working out was not in the plan after a long day at work. I would not recommend this to anyone. My normal cal intake a day is under 1000 so this may be good to curb people that are eating 2000 a day but that is all.
Sandy says
I just want to say Thank you for your feedback . I didn’t make it through day one of the 3-day refresh. I’m passing it on to y daughter’s friend who want’s to try it. I agree with everything you said.
Deborah M says
I have never looked for a quick fix before, and due to life being life, find myself considering it. I love Beachbody workouts , and have been a fan for years, but never tried supplements. I also hate stevia and artificial sweeteners, and don’t trust ” proprietary blends”. In spite of that- I was considering it. I have an almost full container of phsyllum (?)husk in my cabinet- which caused exactly the results you described. And- I am an unashamed caffeine addict.
** sigh** I know what to do, but was looking for a magic bean. Thank you for saving me in my moment of weakness! I’m glad your post popped up when I searched for reviews (1st page!)
Sarah lynn says
Hi there thank you for this honest post I was a bb coach but quit bc it was very expensive.. anyways I’m day one into the refresh and to eat everything in sight .. I honeatly don’t think this is for me .. I’m wondering if I should stick with it or not
kathy hullinger says
I LOVE Shaun T and have stuck with his Hip hop abs for almost 4 months. I have been eating clean/healthy, drinking water and working out 4-5 times a week. And have lost a mere 7.6 lbs. I juggle 2 lbs up and down and I can’t seem to cross to the other side. I was looking to get this 3 day fix to well…..get me over the hurdle. But I think I will opt out. I have blood sugar issues the way it is and I like the protein shake I currently use so thank you!!! I will just keep on keeping on and maybe get Shaun T’s newest vid and get over my hurdle!
Sahsha says
Wow, I wish I would have found this before I did the refresh. Yesterday was my third day, I only lost 3 lbs and felt like crap all 3 days. I was so uncomfortable and so miserable and to only lose 3 lbs, what a let down. I can’t believe how much I feel the same as everything you wrote above. I’m glad I’m not the only one this “isn’t” for !!
Liesel says
Holy cats — I’m so glad I read this! I was about to purchase the whole Shakeology/Refresh pack, but I’m allergic to Stevia! In fact, I’m sure a lot of people have reactions to Stevia, since it’s in the same family as ragweed. You saved me moolah. Thank you.
tori says
3day refresh is meant is to ‘jump start’ a healthy lifestyle or get people back on track. It is meant to be a start to Beach Body nutrition programs and workouts, made specifically for people who wish to cleanse or for those who are just starting out and need to get on the right track to eating properly. It also recommends NOT to work out or do moderate work outs if you like.
I am NOT a coach and wasn’t a huge fan of it either, due to caffeine withdrawal headaches, but I was not starved at all. I also don’t eat meat or dairy on a regular basis as it is. It felt more like a chore eating every 2 hours.
Lisa says
You are hilarious you had me in tears as I’m reading about the Metamucil and the vanilla shake disgusting taste. Hilarious!!
Jessica says
Oh wow, how I wish I would have found this last week!
I am also a runner, and trying to get myself a little lighter, as I’m getting ready for my first full! I’ve been at a plateau for months, and finally decided to try this 3 day refresh. Everything I’ve read has had such glowing reviews. And like you said, EVERYONE acts like the vanilla fresh is tasty. (I thought I was missing something, with how TERRIBLE I think it is)
Anyway, I’m on day 2 and miserable. I barely got out of bed today. I decided to skip church due to the massive headache I felt when I woke up. I have been napping off and on all day because I don’t even have enough fuel to stay awake. And I’m SO irritable and HUNGRY! I’ve been craving some egg whites and a slice of turkey bacon ALL. DAY. I could practically smell them earlier! HAHA.
I’ve actually dropped almost 5 pounds though, but I’m not so sure they won’t come right back on day 4.
Jhanna says
I am a newer beach body coach and after a couple months of working out I did finally cave and purchase the 3 day refresh. I actually love the Beachbody Shakeology but do NOT like the Vegan, it absolutely kills my stomach the times I tried it…major bloat, pressure, pain… Not sure what it is but avoiding the Vegans. The regular Shakeology is fine and I have had no negative reaction. I love the Chocolate or Café Latte so I suggest trying another flavor. I am at the end of Day 1 and I have to say I am pretty full BUT around 1pm I was ready to kill someone, I was ready to quit. I had a developing migraine, irritated, grumpy you name it. I posted my concern on my team page and my up line coach said OK to drink coffee black. So I did. I am a coffeeholic for life, it wasnt even something I had to think twice about. I caved and drank a small black coffee (1 month ago I would have never drank black but tried a sugar detox and after a week of cringing after every sip I now enjoy it and have no urge to go back to creamer or sugar.) then I did the Asparagus for dinner and yeah I added in some mushrooms for a Meatier bite and I am satisfied. No hunger… I am limiting my workouts with this and not pushing myself too hard too. Anyways moving on with the “Fiber Sweep” holy moly… It took me about 10 minutes to gag it down… And as time went on it got thicker… My eyes were watering and everything. But I did it and will have to do it 2 more times. Someone suggested putting lemon in it. I will try that tomorrow. I don’t feel bloat and I actually feel pretty good for being at the end of day 1.
Jessica says
I am a beachbody coach and currently in the process of hell which is 3 day refresh. I’m seriously considering not finishing it because my caffeine withdrawal and fatigue are making me a super grump momma! 900 calories is NOT for me. Ugh! Thank you for your honest review!
Izzy says
I was about to purchase but Bc of the price I wanted to check reviews one last time and ran across your blog! Seems like I’d be better off drinking a laxative lol. Thank you so much! Just sucks Bc my friend is a beach body coach and I told her I would get it but now I’m going to have to “flake” on her and tell her I’m not getting it. If it was cheaper I’d give it a try but seems like I’ll have to pass. I became suspicious of the flavors as well when h had a free sample with my 21 day fix of chocolate shakeology and it was terrible. Chocolate is usually the best flavor when it comes to protein shakes and it was a bit off putting but I thought it might have been the mix I used with 2% milk and maybe too much ice. But I see that either way u put it it’s not very good. I could handle the off putting taste a little bit but if the vanilla sucks and so does the fiber sweep seems like id be super miserable. Thanks again!
Amy says
Just wondering if everyone could save a bit of money and for three days just up your water intake and leave out the processed and calorie laden food. I do drink shakology as a recovery but not a meal replacement. I always add things to it as well. I’ve never done the refresh but can say that when the numbers on my scale go up and I want them down, I run a little longer, drink more water and stick to the healthiest food I can get my hands on. My, personal, result was 7.3 pounds in 7 days. Me, personally, I wouldn’t waste my hard earned money on a refresh
Jen says
I’m a Beachbody coach and this is 1 product that I do not recommend …. Loved reading this post. DEAD ON 🙂 the 21 day Fix however, love the plan and I’ve helped 100’s of people change their lives with.
Anissa Ramos says
Im on day 3 now. I like the shakes and the sweep isn’t bad at all in my opinion, as long as u chug it. I’ve lost 3.5 lbs so far so that’s not too shabby. It’s not fun but it’s only 3 days. I haven’t been hungry, but I’ve had cravings for meat, chocolate, chips, pizza and all the other usual suspects. Im using this as a starting point for my healthy eating so im hoping that after these 3 days, I can’t take the strength that I’ve gained and use it as s motivator to keep eating right. I have not worked out at all but you aren’t meant to, it’s way too few calories for that. That’s my two cents, hope everyone gets something out of these posts. Thank you for creating this nom-bias forum!
Ramona says
I am sooooo glad I read your post, I’m also a marathon runner and was looking for someone’s opinion on the 3 day refresh that was a runner, to see how they felt with it, I believe you answered all my questions I had thank you thank you, you save me money !!
Paula K. says
I HATE STEVIA TOO! Thank you for making me feel less alone in my Stevia hatred.
sharon says
Ha! People don’t understand, but the taste is so overwhelmingly bad to me, even in the tiniest first bite. I wish I did like it – it certainly would make healthy eating easier. 🙂
Amanda says
I just finished the 3 day refresh and do NOT feel refreshed!!! I have two kiddos who keep me really busy throughout the day so I had a hard time keeping up with drinking my shakes on time. I ended up eating more fruits and veggies than recommended because I was so hungry. The first two days I could tolerate the shakes, but on the third day I had to force them down. I even gagged on the fiber drink. Workout did not happen because of my raging headache but that’s because of my caffeine withdrawal. And I had no energy. I do NOT recommend this to anyone who is used to eating. There are better and healthier ways to do cleanses.
ShyVA says
I’m on day 2 and I actually felt pretty normal today. I didn’t work out so I only felt a little fatigue. No headaches and I actually almost missed my dinner because I had no appetite after my afternoon herbal tea. I actually like the taste of the vanilla fresh now and I love my shakeology as usual. Everything seems a treat whe I eat it now lol. Hummus with spinach today was so good. Coconut steamed veggies I just finished super late at night(and I feel super stuffed, my tummy actually hurts a little after having veggies and vanilla fresh). Some of these I will definitely have in larger quantities after my 3 days. Day 3 tomorrow. Hope it’s as good or better then today.
ShyVA says
Omg I am at the end of day one and my nerves are frayed. I was actually eating almost 90% good before this and I thought 3 day refresh would help. It isn’t . I am a person that only drinks water, works out 5 days a week, doesn’t smoke, only drinks wine maybe once a month and my body currently feels worse then ever. I did this thinking it would be a nice little boost to begining the 21 day fix cause I want to tone for a trip to Puerto Rico in May. Now I am thinking I better stop and eat more healthy food so I will have the energy to begin my workout on Monday. I have done juice from the raw cleanses and loved them. I will be saving for my juice from the raw in the future.
Hilary says
Thank you, thank you, thank you for this impartial review. I’ve been doing 21 Day Fix off and on for about a year. I’m pretty sure I’ve plateaued and/or burned out. I’ve got a stubborn few pounds to lose and the 3DR sounded like the way to go. Of course, most people I know who have done it are BB coaches so they’re hasn’t been anything less than stellar feedback. It seems kind of expensive to be hangry for three days.
Casey says
Sometimes you have to shake things up a bit with your body. Possibly finding a new program can help. Or, you can definitely change up how much your eating to possibly help as well. I urge you to check out my review of the 3 Day Refresh. It isn’t glaringly wondrous, but I have done it 3 times and it has definitely helped. One thing I can recommend is to gradually cut back on sugar and caffeine BEFORE you do this. The biggest issue I believe a lot of people have with it is the caffeine withdrawals. I personally have to do this myself or I find myself violently ill for 2 days if I don’t cut back gradually before.
Another option is the Ultimate Reset. In my opinion, you over feed yourself on whole foods in the 3 weeks (I couldn’t eat ALL the food you’re supposed to eat). Let me know if you have any questions as I’d love to help you find a solution to getting pas this plateau. Good luck!
John says
Thank you for your post. I have been using Shakeology and it is helping, but not getting typical results unless I add cardio to their workouts. Trying to drop weight controlled and will stay away from the cleanse.
Casey says
Shakeology isn’t meant to be an end all to losing weight. It will help to a point, but it really comes down to what we put into our bodies throughout the day that will help us lose weight. Shakeology can do it’s part for that meal or snack, but the rest is up to you. You do need to add in some type of exercise or workout program to help with the results as well. 🙂
Tracey says
Hi, I am on day 2 of this. I love 21 Day Fix!! I have had great results with it. I am struggling lately though so I thought I would try this to give me a little push. Well it is awful!! I am hungry, tired and grumpy. I want to finish it though. I got on the scale today just to see and nothing??? If anything I have gained two pounds. Could it be from all the water?? Going to try to workout tonight if have the energy. I don’t think I would recommend this to anyone. Thanks for posting.
Gretchen says
I can’t get down the vanilla shakes. Can I replace with chocolate?
Casey says
If it is the vanilla refresh shake you’re having a hard time getting down, I’d recommend instead of switching, just put a little bit of fruit in it. Hopefully that helps. Or, is it Shakeology you’re talking about?
MommyMidwife says
Thank you for this review! I was just about to purchase this 3DR (desperately need to lose lots and lots of weight), but I decided to check reviews before I ordered it. I put in ” 3 day refresh” on Google, and your blog post was the first thing to come up. Needless to say, I did not buy the program!
Thank you for your honesty and starting this conversation so that other people would be prompted to share their feelings as well.
This was super helpful.
Denise Nenner says
I have been using shakeology on and off for years – I do really like it mainly because I don’t like to eat breakfast – only drink coffee so this is a great way to ‘eat’ and gives me the calories/vitamins I need to keep my 47 yr old body going…
NOW… I am trying 3DR – starting today.. I am a bit nervous – not because of the calories or lack there of but should I be close to a bathroom?? I’ve done the 7 day Arbonne cleanse in the past and was fine until about day 3 – then…..GET THE HELL OUT OF MY WAY – I need a toilet NOW!!
So when I found this 3 day program = I thought = wow, 3 days … really – this has to be easy..
What made me google 3DR was that I left the brochure home so I only have the fiber sweep and the vanilla shake with me and needed to be sure I was taking the right one at the right time… OH and by the way – you came up on the first page – about 1/4 of the way down the page!!! (moving on up!!)
anyway here I go – first I should say – I am not skipping coffee… I do drink the coffee with a sugar free coffee mate creamer and by this point in my life, realized that I AM NOT GIVING UP COFFEE – period end of story. I work full time, married and have two teenagers… I AM NOT GIVING UP COFFEE!!
So, there really is no reason or question that I have for you other than you are on the first page now and thanks for posting an unbiased point of view… I am a bit more nervous but I will wing it and see how it goes! thanks again and wish me luck!
Amanda L. says
I just started day one of the Refresh and it was so bad as of yet. Lol I don’t know we will see. I’m using this as only a kick start to healthy eating. I’ve done other cleanses and this by far is the better some of the others like Isogenics killed me! That’s 100% starvation on pieces of chocolate dark here or there. I didn’t survive half a day lol!
Casey says
I do the Refresh solely to kick starts my healthy eating also. You’ve got this and can do it!
Michelle says
I’m on day 3 and I had to quit. Those vanilla fresh shakes were totally disgusting yuck!!! I couldn’t even finish them and and didn’t even drink them today. Why can’t you just eat some egg whites or something instead lol. I was starving omg.. And no coffee ughhh I just can’t do it. On second day I was so bloated I looked pregnant and have only had one bm in the 3 days that can’t be good! Anyways never again!!!
Bonnie W says
Thank you so much for sharing! I am currently enduring the misery of day 3. And I too have hated all 3 days. Worst headaches and I DID drink back coffee, 1-2 cups per day. Can’t wait to eat tomorrow. Almost caved today but didnt want to let myself down for not sticking to my guns.
Casey says
I would like to chime in and say I am grateful for your honest review. I would rather you be honest about something than mislead people to thinking it is good when you don’t enjoy it. The Refresh is not for everyone, just like any exercise program doesn’t fit all. I am a Beachbody Coach, but I won’t push something on someone that I don’t like (specific flavors of Shakeology or programs). With that said, I have done the Refresh 3 times now and have lost anywhere from 4-8 lbs each time. Is it easy? Yes. It is simple to follow. I actually love the fiber sweep (unlike most ha ha) and the Vanilla Refresh I don’t care for as much. For me, I have always been able to maintain the weight for a week or two as long as I continue eating healthy when I finish it. I will say this too, doing this preps me for eating healthier which makes it easier for me since I struggle with it so much. The downside to the Refresh for me is I am extremely tired AND I am very irritable.
I do want to point out one thing about your comment on the Stevia in Shakeology and the Refresh. You said: “It’s 100% my fault for not checking the ingredients before purchasing the Refresh. But all 3 nutrition supplement products (Shakeology, Fiber Sweep, and Vanilla Fresh) contain Stevia. I HATE STEVIA. Actually, to be fair, I hate, despise, loathe ALL artificial/non-sugar sweeteners – including Stevia.”
Well, the Stevia extract used in Shakeology is not whole leaf. It is water extracted and then purified with alcohol and dried naturally. So there is no chemical processing and nothing artificial used or added. So, it is completely natural. Hopefully that helps you see it in a different light than you originally did. Shakeology is 100% natural as well as any supplements used in the Refresh and Ultimate Reset.
Thank you again for being so honest with your review. 😀
sharon says
Hi Casey, thanks for your feedback! I’m glad to hear from people who’ve had positive experiences too – as long as it’s honest, it’s all good! 🙂 I’ve learned a lot from the comments here – actually, I wrote an update to the post with some of what I’ve learned, but the internet ate it, BOO. Good point about Stevia extract. My only reason for disliking it is the taste – and believe me, I wish I did like it. It seems like all of the nutrition supplements (powders, shakes, drinks, etc.) have it, and I can’t eat any of it. 🙁 I pretty much have the same taste in food as my 7 year old.
Anyway, thank you so much for reading and taking the time to write! I appreciate it so much.
anna says
Hilarious and perfect! Thank you for the final bloat picture- soo needed to read this- 900 calories a day…? Who wouldn’t lose weight on 900 calories a day- and you can do that by eating three cans of soup with ice tea without sugar-
Screw the cost of this lie-
Lauren says
Thank you so much for your unbiased opinion on this Beachbody product. I’m a Beachbody customer and never feel like I can get genuine information from my coaches. I will definitely be coming back to your blog for other health and fitness reviews. Thanks!
Danijela says
I’m a beachbody coach but I have to agree with your statement I absolutely hated vannila fresh but I did lose 4lb and didn’t gain them back and I swore never to do it again but here I am doing it again this weekend. It’s hard and you’re hungry but to me it was worth it, I don’t drink coffee or pop every day so I didn’t have caffeine withdrawal but I was starving . Wish me luck as I’m ready to start the madness in 2 days again.
Shannon says
Totally wish I had read this before starting the 3 day refresh! I’m only on day one and I am super hungry! I was thinking about just going to bed (it’s 730 pm ) lol so I wouldn’t be tempted to eat anything . I am glad you said what you did about bloating! I started the shakeology last week and even with those Was more bloated than normal! I don’t find the vanilla refresh all that bad..I add cinnamon and drink fast ha. The fiber sweep is absolutely disgusting!!!! I’m wondering how I will get through the next two days on minimal food all while running and doing the insanity work outs. So glad other ppl feel the same as me. Can’t wait till this 3 days is over!!
Allison says
I had the exact I mean exact same experience and reaction as you, only I was a drop out on day 2 from so much hunger. I did get a refund without any questions or hassle from company. I couldn’t believe all the reviews of how yummy it was suppose to be. Bleck!
Ingrid says
So I have the three day refresh, but I am wondering what you thought made you so bloated and uncomfortable? I have a sensitive stomach, but vegan shakeology doesn’t bother me. Thoughts? Is it the stevia that bloated you?
sharon says
Hey, Ingrid. Good question. Some have suggested that I was so bloated because my diet before the 3DR wasn’t great – so maybe it was my body getting rid of icky stuff? Or maybe just an adjustment to more veggies? If you read through the comments here, the bloating definitely isn’t a thing for everyone. I hope it works for you! 🙂
Steph says
Glad I read this! 90% of my “friends” on instagram are beach body coaches and they’re always posting crap about this kind of stuff. I almost bought it yesterday. I just weaned my daughter two months ago (we had been nursing on demand up until then) so I can actually do these low calorie diets/cleanses that I couldn’t do while nursing. I was looking for a good jump start to help me finish losing all the baby weight (bahaha… she’s 20 months… just call me a fatty slacker). I thought this would be a good jump start… but $70 for starvation? I can starve myself for free! Thanks for saving me $70. Lol
sharon says
Hi Steph! I used the 3DR as a jump start, but what I’ve learned since then is that it’s more of a detox than a diet jump start, if that makes sense. It’s supposed to get rid of the crap in your body. Weight loss is just a happy bonus. Anyone reading this correct me if I’m wrong…? Congrats on baby! 🙂
Molly moore says
First I will give full disclosure – I am a Beachbody coach. And I just want to make one comment about that – a beachbody coach isn’t ‘on the payroll’ so to speak. Yes we do get paid if someone orders something through us. But we become beachbody coaches AFTER using and loving the product. Not the other way around. We don’t get hired to sell a product. It’s not a business like that.
Ok… That said I did the 3 day refresh one time. I did NOT like the fiber sweep. In fact I could NOT get it down. I ended up blending it with my shake. Still had that taste but I could at least get it down. I loved the vanilla fresh and I love chocolate Shakeology. (Going to try the latte flavor soon, can’t wait cuz I love coffee flavor). I did NOT exercise during this cleanse. You aren’t really supposed to. Maybe some light yoga. But nothing heavy at all. As well, if you follow the eating plan – AND add the recommended fruit or greens (or both) to your shakes, you will not feel as hungry. I think of it like a kind of fast. On a fast, you’re just hungry! That’s it. But this fast is cleansing as well and you’re getting loads of nutrients. I don’t believe it is good use alone – it’s a good one to use before you start a program like the 21 day fix. Like a jump start. When I did it, I felt so relaxed. Just so at peace. And let’s be honest, if you’re cutting out the junk you might be eating, and start the cleanse – and eat 900 calories a day – of course you’ll lose a few pounds! Anyone would – even without the 3 day refresh. This just seems a safer way to do it.
I know it can be costly.. I don’t ever try to “sell” it… But I certainly would share it with others. Of cleanses I’ve seen, it’s attainable and not the worst. Cleanses aren’t really fun anyway. I would do it when you know you have a relaxing weekend ahead of you. It did empty me but didn’t make me run to the bathroom (tmi? ) I didn’t bloat.
I’m actually going to give away one box of the 3 day refresh before my next 21 day fix accountability group. I’m doing hammer & chisel right now but 21 day fix was my first one and it did change my life – which is WHY I’m a coach now.. And why I love sharing it with others. I Love to share it, since it’s the first thing I’ve been able to do and have success and keep the weight off. It’s just good old fashioned eating healthy and at home exercise. The Shakeology is a good daily nutrition of superfood and more. I actually came to beachbody in search of affordable superfood. Found Shakeology and the rest is history.
So I – too – like to see reviews that are from the people. I’m all about consumer reviews. But just like in everything – different people respond differently. And different people follow the plan differently. Some to a T, some slightly… So results are different. I’m one of those slightly folks – to be honest. But still – I get great results!! Thanks for letting me respond to this thread.
sharon says
Hi Molly! Thanks for commenting! I absolutely appreciate hearing different perspectives on the 3DR and Beachbody in general. People really seem to love the 21 Day Fix – I don’t know much about it, but I’ve heard from a lot of people that it’s a much better, healthier process than the 3DR. Personally, I was doomed to begin with because I don’t like the taste of Shakeology. I have the palate of an 8 year old, so there’s that. 🙂 And as I’ve mentioned in other comments, I was using it as a crash diet, not as a detox, which I know now is not what it’s for.
I have a lot of friends who are Beachbody coaches – not just blogger friends, but former co-workers, running friends, even a couple of sorority sisters. All people who I trust – so I know it’s not a scam/junk think, and I hope I don’t come across like that! I’m so glad it’s working out for you. And I’m really glad you commented here. <3
Sarah says
So glad I found this. I was considering doing the 3 day refresh but balked at the price (it’s advertised as $69.99 but with shipping and tax was over $84 for me!). I won’t be doing the refresh now. And by the way, your page was the second hit for my on Google! 🙂
sharon says
Hi Sarah! Crazy that I’m #2 on Google. But good crazy! 🙂 I balked at the price too. To be honest, I bought it without telling my husband because I knew he’d be upset that I spent so much money. Of course, now we’re both glad I spent the money simply because of the popularity of this post. Best $80 I ever spent – ha. I don’t know much about it, but people seem to have much higher opinions of the 21 Day Fix. But for now I’ll stick with my exercise + diet in moderation plan.
Coley says
I am so happy to read this review and not feel alone. I’m doing this with my husband who is also a Beachbody coach. He’s breezing right through it and I’m struggling and miserable and freaking HUNGRY!!!!!!! I have one day left and I just don’t know if I can
sharon says
Is your husband some kind of superhuman? Ack! 🙂 I hope you made it through that last day – were you at least pleased with the end result?
Brooke says
I love this review! Being a new beach body coach, I wanted to give it a try. I love Beach Body’s workouts and the containers for the 21 day fix, but I hate this detox only because I am hungry all the time! I don’t mind the shakes or fiber sweep, but I have never had cravings like this before! I crave everything!
Also, stevia is not an artificial sweetener. You can grow it in your garden. I have had the leaf version straight out of the garden. It’s not sugar, but it’s better than aspirtine!
sharon says
Hi Brooke! Yeah, I guess “artificial” isn’t accurate. More like non-sugar sweetener. When I first learned about stevia a few years ago, I thought for sure I’d like it – but no. 🙁 I have the palate of an 8 year old. I even annoy myself. 🙂
dgtr says
I used the 3 day refresh and it did amazing things for me. I didn’t even go through a coach to get the 3 day refresh….I ordered it on-line and didn’t go for the coach thing because I will be honest, I really don’t want someone calling me wit all their hocus pocus! I needed a jump start to get the lbs off so I figured why not. I wasn’t hungry, but very thirsty, worked out every morning and power walked in the evening. I did feel energized and I slept better than ever. To be fair, I have been eating fairly healthy but wasn’t seeing a ton of results and heard sometimes you need to shock your body to get a jump start. Well the 3DR did it for me!!! I lost 7 pounds. Also, I did purchase the 21 days fix along with my 3DR and lost a total of 28lbs. SO….remember when I said that I was eating fairly healthy but not seeing results….well my portions were crazy off the charts. 21Day fix taught me how to eat and how much….so if you are going to do the 3DR it highly recommend you follow up with the 21day fix. Its been 6 months and I still have not gained any weight…just during that time of the month LOL.
sharon says
So glad it worked for you! And especially that you haven’t gained any of the weight back. That’s awesome!!! <3
Cathy says
I’m laughing so hard at your description and I AM a Beachbody Coach! I agree with you all the way thru except I can tolerate the Fiber Sweep. The Vanilla Fresh tastes like caulk. I was so hungry by the second day that I probably could have eaten my keyboard with a little salt and pepper. I drink the Chocolate Shakeology everyday with fruit. The taste grows on you but nothing is as bad as that Vanilla Fresh. By the way, the Vanilla Shakeology tastes a bit like that too. The 3 DR was a one & done for me. And everyone who has asked me about it, I’ve told them I can’t do it. I have hunger i
sharon says
Hahaha! Now I’m imagining myself eating my keyboard with salt & pepper. 🙂 I was SO disappointed about the Vanilla Fresh. I had high hopes – I even read that it tasted like a milkshake. And all I can say is that maybe the people who think that haven’t had an actual full fat milkshake in a long time? Because no. I thought I’d like the Shakeology too, but I couldn’t get past the taste of Stevia.
kari says
thanks for the truthful post – I often buy into the hype!
sharon says
Same here. 🙂 Thanks for reading!
Katy says
Hey Sharon! I am about to do the 3DR. I wish I would have read this before but I will have to tuff it out I guess!
sharon says
Hi Katy! I’d love to hear how it goes. If you read through the comments here, some people have a much better experience than I did. 🙂
Ashley says
I actually won the 3 day refresh on a fb thread and have been waiting to give it a go! I’ve been reading up on it just to get an idea of what I’m getting into! I know I’m not going to like it but what the heck…after all, it was free! However, after reading your post and some of the comments I see y’all talking about bloat a lot! If you read the insert that comes with the 3 day refresh it does talk about that being a common problem and it has asterisks by the food choices that will help ease the bloat. So, that is to be expect r! I am not in anyway affiliated with beach body so I’ll have to write a review when I complete it!
sharon says
Hi Ashley! Let me know how it goes for you. I didn’t do the proper research beforehand, so I had no idea what to expect! It’s way better to prepare in advance than to look for solutions when you’re on day 2 and “hangry.”
Roxie says
Any cleanse is tough to get through. I like cleansing my system about every month or so-so I’m used to cleansing now but I would always do juice cleanses before trying 3 day refresh and I actually prefer 3 day refresh over any other cleanse. I was lucky enough not to feel crappy but I was hungry at the end of the day, but that’s what a cleanse does. I’m usually left starving with a juice cleanse but not with the 3 day refresh. I liked the shakes, the fiber sweep was/is gross and I wasn’t left bloated( thankful about that). I have noticed that experience/results do depend on what you’re used to eating on regular days. I’m a pretty good clean eater and I haven’t experienced any bloating with any cleanse. It might of been what you already had in your system that was causing bloating and it took a while to push all of that out. I respect your review because I’m sure others have experienced similar reactions/results but this is a cleanse and not so much of a “diet”. It’s meant to clean out your system which is never a pretty experience.
I am a Beachbody Coach and I do believe some coaches hype up products a little too much but for some of us, we are simply sharing our own experience and I would never lie or amp it up just for a sale. My goal is to help people and tell them the truth which is that our products are great but they aren’t magic and the process won’t be easy but it is worth it. 🙂
I hope you don’t give up on cleanses, it’s a great way to clean our organs, blood…etc! And it doesn’t have to be a 3 day refresh. Cleansing can be done with food only as well. It’s a slower process but it does clean/reboot our system.
sharon says
Hi Roxie! That makes total sense – you’re the first person (I think) to explain it this way to me (cleanse vs. diet) and I get it. I had NO idea what I was getting into, and you’re right, my diet in general isn’t awesome/clean, so my body probably has a lot to clean out. I did the 3 Day Refresh over a year ago – I think it was shortly after it came out. I remember reading a lot of posts about a Beachbody conference where it was introduced. So I’m sure some of the online hype that I saw was because it was a new product. What frustrated me at the time was that I couldn’t find ANYTHING from anyone who didn’t love it. I was miserable and was just looking for someone who could relate, but no one even seemed to be hungry! I love the way you put it – that any cleanse is tough to get through and that it’s meant to clean out your system – not as a crash diet kind of thing. I’m so glad you posted. Thanks!!!!
Jayme says
Hello! I am a beachbody coach and just finished my the 3 day refresh. I am glad I found your post because I was getting worried! I have been so bloated during the whole thing. I was afraid something was way wrong! I love shakeology and never have a problem with it. So you are not alone in the bloating reaction. My advice to anyone doing it would be to add cinnamon to the vanilla refresh. WORLD of difference! The fiber sweep I added a little vanilla flavoring and it helped. I really wish I had of had great results like I had seen but this is the day after I finished and I am still bloated. I had been on 21 day fix and went off for a week and then did refresh to jumpstart another 21 days. Maybe that week of not being as strict is what caused my reaction. I ate basically the same as 21 day just didn’t restrict myself too much on Thanksgiving and the day after. I might consider it again but at this point I am leaning toward no. I followed it 100 percent and I lost nothing and gained a bloated belly. Not everybody is the same and it might be amazing for someone else. But I advise you if you get through it and the results were not what you had hoped, then contact them and get a refund. That is what 30 day money back guarantee is for.
sharon says
Hi Jayme! I love that there’s a 30 day money back guarantee. I didn’t take advantage of it, but there was some relief in knowing that I could – ya know? The 3DR is pretty expensive (in my opinion), and there’s pretty much no way I would’ve stopped after I’d spent all that money. Knowing that I could get the money back made it more of a choice – I chose to finish, rather than feeling forced into it because I didn’t want to lose money. I don’t know if that even makes sense.
Randi says
I did the 3 day Refresh right after Thanksgiving. I had read the directions when I got it but I’d paid so much for it that when I saw it didn’t allow coffee I decided it might be the key to kicking my coffee addiction. Talk about scared to death…but I went for it. The first day I was SO lethargic. That Fiber Sweep is awful. I didn’t mind the shakes (I added more water … they were too thick for me) and to my surprise I didn’t feel hungry. That said … I’m only 5′ tall and really don’t need a lot of calories so my normal diet is 1200-1600 a day. The second day – fiber sweep worked – I felt better and had enough energy for a short run. I was 3 lbs down and of coarse that was motivating. The day went surprisingly well. I loved the Stir Fry recipe. Day three I actually felt really good. My caffeine headache was gone and I lost another lb so as much as I hated doing the program, I loved that it worked for me. NOT SO for others in the FB group I was in to do this with others. One only lost 1lb and said she’s never do it again so it doesn’t work for everyone. Benefits for me 1) I kicked my coffee habit which was huge 2) I lost 4.6 lbs and have kept it all off so far (3 days post Refresh) 3) Discovered some great new herbal teas and Vegan recipes 4) I’ve had no cravings and have eaten healthy since the Refresh so I’m hoping I’ve established new habits. Would I do it again? I don’t know … it was a great kick start for me but it wasn’t for others so I don’t know if I was just my mindset, maybe kicking the coffee habit had a lot to do with the energy I felt after the first day??? I am one though who is glad I did it – once.
Lori says
I’m heading into the end of Day 1. Oh, how I wish I’d seen this prior to commiting to the 3 Day Refresh. I haven’t been hungry today. I’m not entirely a big eater so it isn’t a problem. However, I have to say I am so DANG TIRED! I’ll complete the refresh because I made the commitment and want to see this through. However, I may add some bulk to the shakes to give me energy through the day, including almond milk and chia seeds. I don’t know what I was thinking when I made this commitment!
Lori says
So, it’s the morning of day two and I feel I have to recant some of what I said yesterday. Yes, the sweep and the fresh are yucky. No doubt about it. But, had I bothered to check my email earlier in the day I would have found an email from my friend and also a Beachbody coach. Her suggestions would have helped tremendously. I feel great this morning. I slept great. This mornings shake had more substance and sustenance. Here’s some of the recommendations in the email i received:
Refresh Modifications:
* mix your shakeology with unsweetened coconut, cashew, or almond milk instead of water – every time, if needed
* mix your vanilla fresh with the coconut/cashew milk and 1/2 an avocado – every time if needed
* add coconut oil or flaxseed oil to your shakeology, every time
* add greens to your shakeology (spinach, kale, chard, basil), every time
* eat all food in the quantities you wish with as much coconut oil as you wish
* never go hungry – EAT GIRLFRIEND!!! EAT!!!
* Keep your fruit to a minimum & chose low glycemic fruits like berries & citrus
* Leave out nuts – if any, a small handful of hazlenuts or macadamias
* Caffeine OK – Energize from Beachbody, black tea, green tea, coffee
* Use coconut milk & stevia to sweeten drinks
* you can take a break from caffeine too, if you wish
This mornings shakeology has spinach, almond butter, chia seeds, almond milk, and a little all natural almond butter. Feeling slimmer and better.
sharon says
Your friend/coach’s tips are great! I don’t know if I received an email like this – I don’t remember getting it, but that doesn’t mean I didn’t. I’m not sure if these tips would’ve helped me, but I’m sure that people reading through the comments here will find them extremely helpful. Thanks so much for posting them! 🙂 I’m glad your experience turned out to be not so bad.
karen says
just found your post and ohh my goodness. I am on day 1 and its lunch time. I dont know how I kept down the fiber sweep. I couldn’t even do the whole thing. I got about half. I figured half was better then getting sick and not having any at all lol. So on to lunch. Ok what could go wrong with Vanilla…ohhhh man…I don’t know if you have seen the movie Prometheus but there is a scene when one of the actors screams “We were sooooo wrong!!!!” thats how I feel right now lol. I will however finish out this program strong as it is leading into my 21 day fix extreme challenge with the mindset that if I can get through these 3 days I can do anything haha. Thanks for your honesty!!!
Mariya says
it was not quite as bad for me, I have experienced some hunger but for me it was midday. My energy level was very low, i slept for 10 hours at night plus took 2-3 hour naps during the day. I hated the taste of the vanilla shake, but i mixed it with almond milk instead of water and a lot of cinnamon so it definitely made a big difference in the taste. I had no bloating, and no headaches.
Ashley says
I am considering ordering 3DR. I use Shakeology & I’m super happy that I do. My iron levels were cruddy before I started & I was even on Fe pills. My blood tests have demonstrated a complete turn around for the better. I also try my best to stick to 21DF but have to nix the workouts because of a back injury that I can’t risk further injuring. I am a bit leery about this as I have a sensitive palette. Anyone have ways to make things taste better?
sharon says
You’ll probably have a better experience than I did simply because you like Shakeology. That’ll help a lot! I didn’t see many suggestions when I was looking. Maybe peppermint or almond extract? Good luck (and I hope your back heals soon).
Mariya says
Ashley, I did almond milk instead of water, because thats how i usually drink my shakeology. Also you can add a bunch of cinnamon or natural extracts
Patrick Lindsay says
Well I was just about to purchase but now I am not so sure…….
sharon says
Hey Patrick! I have some blogger friends who had better experiences with it than I did. But overall I hear much more positive things about the 21 Day Fix.
Nichole says
They 21 day fix is GREAT but in no way ANYTHING like the 3 day refresh. This is a detox not a nutrition plan, it’s not designed to exercise while doing it, or anything. The 21 day fix is about changing your relationship with food for the long haul, and the exercises are pretty intense so fueling your body with proper nutrition is key.
I’m doing the 3 day refresh here soon, and have done the Shakeology cleanse already, which doesn’t have the vanilla shake and fiber sweep. Plus you eat meat.
Laura says
I know this is a long time past your original post, but I just wanted to say I LOVE your post! I am even a beachbody coach and love your post! Thank you for presenting your own experience on it. I agree, I can’t stand stevia or any artificial sweeteners but I did have a different experience with the vanilla than you (as I enjoyed it a lot actually). As for the bloat, often people who have not been on good nutrition (as you admitted to) will bloat with the increased fiber load. So uncomfortable for sure! Hopefully you increased your vegetable and fiber intake after the 3 day refresh so that you wont have the issue again. (I had zero bloating, but I maintain a clean fiber rich diet due to health issues). The 900 calories are only good for the 3 day span and people who normally consume far too many calories will surely feel the hit from often what is a 50-75% reduction in their normal caloric load. Does make shifting to a 1500-2200 calorie load (when combined with exercise demands) to feel more comfortable. I personally wont be doing the refresh again anytime soon. So thank you again for the review! They are excellent points I actually do share with my friends and potential clients. (I don’t sell as much, but I rather educate and see people lead healthier lives… comes from being a healthcare professional). Have a wonderful one!
sharon says
Hey Laura! Thanks for reading & writing. So many people seem to like the Vanilla Fresh…I guess I was expecting it to taste like a milkshake or something. 🙂 Good to know about the fiber and bloating – that makes sense. I still struggle with nutrition, but I have made an effort to increase my fiber intake and to drink lots more water.
Ashley Garrett says
I’m a coach and on day one. The fiber sweep is so nasty I could puke. It is thick like oatmeal but slimy like snot. Ugh. I already love the shakes but with coffee and creamer. Hahaha. Thank you for being honest. I made a video. I don’t want to decive anyone for personal gain. As of right now, I would never try this again.
sharon says
Ashley, are you able to leave a link of your video here? I’d love to see it. I’m not sure how the comments/links work on older posts. (I actually had the comments turned off on all of my older posts until recently because I was getting a TON of spam.)
Kristy says
Hi, I wanted to share my review of the 3 day refresh as well. I’m not affiliated with Beach Boady. I have a friend who is a coach and told me about it, so I’ve been wanting to try it. I eat mostly good and I exercise 5-6 days a week. I did the 21 day fix extreme eating plan and loved it. It was not easy, but it was very doable and I got good results. I’m 35 years old, 5ft 4in, and have 4 kids. I started at 128.8lbs. I lost 6.6lbs and 6.5in in the 21 days. I was a little hungry, but I got use to it. I did cheat a little every once in a while. I used shakeology and I really liked it. I actually lost 4lbs in the first 3 days. I was amazed by this. I was going to the bathroom a lot and it was awesome to feel so regular. I’ve always had a problem with being regular in the #2 department. That 1st week I lost 4.2lbs, the second week I was bummed because I only lost 2oz (I was hoping I was gaining muscle from the workouts) the third week I lost another 2.2lbs. I got down to 122.2lbs which is good for me. I was able to keep most of the weight off until summer came and I went a little crazy with vacations and BBQs etc. I’ve been slowly gaining the weight back and I turned 35 in August. This year, I’ve really noticed my metabolism is slowing down 🙁 After Halloween and hitting 132lbs on the scale I kind of freaked out. We are leaving on a cruise over Thanksgiving and I really want to feel better about myself in a swimsuit. I started doing the 21day fix extreme eating plan again on Tuesday, but I only had 18 days to do it before we leave, so I decided to throw the 3 Day Refresh in to help speed up the results. I was already down 2 1/2lbs after 3 days on the 21day fix extreme plan. I was SO excited to start the 3 Day Refresh, I’d heard all the hype and the great results and my friend (who is a beach body coach) had just lost 8lbs in 3 days doing the 3DR (which I don’t know how because she is already tiny and in great shape). My husband went out of town for the weekend, so I figured it was the perfect time to try it. I knew it would be hard and I’d be ornery, but I knew it would be worth it to lose (my goal was a minimum of 4lbs) in 3 days.
The first day was super hard and I had a headache and zero energy and I was so hungry. I didn’t think the fiber sweep tasted too bad and I thought the vanilla shakes were pretty good (other than a little bit of a chalky taste) the cucumber, tomato salad recipe was delicious. I lost 2lbs after the first day and I was so excited and thought, “ok this is worth it” BUT………… Day 2 was just as bad. I felt super hungry and had no energy. I weighed myself the next morning and I had GAINED 1/2 lb. I wasn’t too worried and figured I’d lose another couple lbs. by the next day. Day 3……..not getting any easier, so so hungry and so tired. I woke up this morning excited to be done and to see my results. (I also couldnt wait to eat some egg whites or something). Got on the scale first thing and I had GAINED another 1/2lb. So I basically went through 3 days of starving to lose 1 freaking lb. I totally could have done that on my own. I’m so disappointed. I never felt bloated or gassy, but I thought the fiber sweep would have me running to the bathroom. I only had like one bowel movement in the whole 3 days (probably because I was hardly eating anything). I thought it was supposed to clean me out, but I felt like it messed up my regularity. I called Beach Body this morning to get my money back. I have to pay to mail in the empty box and then they will refund me the cost of the 3DR minus the shipping I paid in the beginning. We will see if they really do. If I had lost 3 or more pounds, I wouldn’t be sending it back and I would say it was worth it, but since I hardly lost any weight, IT WAS NOT WORTH IT for me.
sharon says
Thanks for reading and for sharing your experience! When I did the 3DR a year ago, I was upset that I couldn’t seem to find ANYONE online who didn’t love it. So I’m glad for your comment and for others like it so that people who are mid-3DR and having a bad experience will at least find some support – does that make sense? Also, I don’t know if I wrote this in the post or in the comments, but I did the Refresh when my husband was out of town too. Partly because I had no idea what it would do to my digestive system (embarrassing) and partly because I knew he thought it was ridiculous. Anyway, I hope you’re able to get your money back. Have fun on your cruise!!!
Priya says
I Lol-ed so hard reading this! I’m on day 1 of the 3 day refresh and while I’m not really as hungry as you say you were, I’m certainly not a fan of eating 2 brussel sprouts (yeah, that’s 1 vegetable serving apparently) and a shake for lunch. Also, totally agree about biased reviews from beachbody coaches. It seems like there’s nobody out there using these products that isn’t already a coach. And as soon as they start raving about shakeology, I mentally check out cuz we all know it isn’t even THAT good. Anyway, let’s see how this goes for the next 2 days.
sharon says
Two brussel sprouts? That made me LOL. 🙂 I’d love to hear how the rest of the 3DR went for you.
Whitney says
I’m not a coach–I’ve only been using Beachbody procucts for a few weeks–but I actually like my Shakeology. The chocolate one is the most satisfying, but I’m not a fan of the vanilla.
I’m re-thinking my Refresh order now!
Sara says
Note that you may see a lot of beachbody coaches using it because they get a 25% discount and makes the refresh more affordable. I am a “beachbody coach” for the discount – i’ve never sold nor even tried to sell anyone anything.
I read this review, but ordered the 3Day Refresh anyway. mostly out of curiosity and challenging myself to see if i can do it. The only thing that worries me is the bloat – that may have the adverse effect in wanting to shed a couple pounds before an event.. especially if it lasts a couple days.
Anyway, thank you for your honest review – it helps to read how others fared on it.
LR says
I’m on day one right now and just found this review and that bloating worries me!! Day 3 will fall on Monday for me, and I have an event Wednesday evening that I can’t be bloated for – I’d rather unit right now! Three questions – did you stick to the low gas producing veggies and still get bloated? Do you remember how long it took for ghd bloating to subside? And (there’s no way to delicately put this) I’m worried I will be on the toilet for days – what did you experience on that department?? Thanks – it’s good to read an objective review!
LR says
LR here – responding to my own post. After writing it I had the Vanilla Fresh for the first time. It is HORRID. I couldn’t get past two sips. No quick weight loss is worth having to stomach that six times. I don’t know how you did it. I’m quitting .
LC says
Today is day 1 of the 3-day refresh, and I’ve made it to lunch but I’m starving and the shakes are hard to get down. I think I’ll be sending this back if I can be refunded. I wonder if I eat anything other than veggies and meat now how much worse I’ll feel
sharon says
I was very tempted to return it – they do offer a refund, which is nice. I actually went as far as putting everything back in the box. If I remember correctly, the 2nd day was worse than the 1st for me, and I remember thinking that I shouldn’t return it when I was already almost halfway through. But if you’re on day 1 and already miserable…ugh. 🙁 I wish your experience had turned out better than mine.
sharon says
I’ve been trying to remember how long the bloating lasted…I want to say it took a few days for my stomach to return to normal. But I guess it doesn’t matter anymore for you. You know what? I totally agree – it’s not worth being that miserable for a couple of pounds. I think the reason I stuck it out was because I’m cheap and couldn’t bear to waste the money. Also, I wanted to prove my husband wrong.
LC says
I’m going to continue with the shakeology and the Piyo program,but don’t want to continue on with the 3-day. I will be sending that back ASAP. I feel like the 3-day has me bloated and the only noticeable thing was peeing a lot. I’d rather just change some eating habits and start working out than to be miserable just to loose water weight
Stacy says
I am on Day 3 of the Refresh.. This is 100% spot on with the way I feel. I was so hungry day 1 I couldn’t sleep. My stomach growled all day.. and night and the next day. I wake up hungry, go to be hungry. I think they need better dieticians (Im guessing one didn’t even do this plan but rather a “nutritionist”) to remake this plan. It is WAY too low calorie for an average adult. And I am bloated beyond belief!!!
I actually mixed the fiber sweep and the lunch shake together into a cookie dough texture. After the first attempt at drinking it, I gagged twice…
Thanks for your input!
sharon says
Hey Stacy. Glad my review was helpful, but not glad it didn’t work out well for you. Were you happy with the results once you finished?
Chris says
Funny I’m having the opposite feeling of this post. I’m trying the 3-day refresh right now and first read this review before I started. I needed to start something due to a sugar addiction so started it anyways. I haven’t found it horrible. The chocolate shake is nice. The vanilla fresh tastes like cake batter. I can honestly tell you that I’m not hungry. I am not on beach body’s payroll, and this is my first time trying a shake diet. I’m surprised it’s only 900 calories. I feel like I’m continuously eating or drinking with the shake/snack/fiber thing/shake/snack/snack/shake/dinner. I do have a pee a lot. We’ll see in two days!
sharon says
Hey Chris! Let me know how it goes, okay? I was hoping for an experience like yours. 🙂 I honestly think the biggest problem was that I didn’t like the taste of any of the shakes and just couldn’t force myself to drink them, so I wasn’t getting adequate nutrition. I’m highly unpleasant when I’m hungry on a normal day, so a low-cal type of plan was just not the way to go for me. Good luck with it!
Meghan says
I started day one of three day refresh today. I was a skeptic to all thing beach body. I’m overweight and have tried other things but never a cleanse. I figured the shakes would taste horrible and the vanilla refresh does, it’s grainy. The vegan chocolate was pretty good. I mixed it with banana and peanut butter in my nutribullet. Still not my favorite but I could see how people grow accustomed to drinking it regularly. The fiber sweep was hard to chug down, it’s by far the worst part. I didn’t feel hungry at all day one in fact I never even made it to the dinner portion. From what I’ve read here it’s a person by person case on whether it works for you or not. I wonder if weight or health level when starting have anything to do with it.
Kasi says
Yeah, I tried the 3 day refresh, I lost 4 pounds on it, I was tired, cranky, hungry, angry, listless, and hated every second of it. AND all 4 pounds came back the next day on a normal 1600 calorie day. I already eat a lot of veggies, but 12 green beans is not a meal. or 2 Brussels sprouts. I gagged on the fiber sweep, that stuff was awful. Though, I did like the vanilla fresh. It’s a starvation diet, of course you will lose a few pounds.
sharon says
I’m weird, I actually thought the Fiber Sweep wasn’t as bad as the Vanilla Fresh. I really, really didn’t like that stuff. A lot of people seem to like it though. I’ve heard the cake batter thing a lot.
Leslie says
I am weird I guess. I have done 3 day refresh twice and have another one on standby for after Thanksgiving LOL . I actually like the fiber sweep… it tastes like iced tea to me.
My first round I was lightheaded end of day one and 2.. but.. it is a “cleanse” and they aren’t meant to be enjoyable (in my opinion) and I felt clear and brand new after day 3. My second round doing it a month and a half later. . I didn’t get the light headedness… but i had been eating a lot healthier for the most part.
sharon says
That’s a good point. A cleanse isn’t supposed to be enjoyable. I knew it wouldn’t be fun, but since this was my first ever cleanse I had nothing to compare it with, you know? I didn’t like the Fiber Sweep, but I didn’t mind it nearly as much as the Vanilla Fresh. Glad it worked for you! 🙂
Mer Now Fitz says
I loved reading this! Today, I saw a friend posted something about nearing the end of “#3dayrefresh” on FB and was like, ‘What is that?’ I didn’t want to ask her in case she’d give me a sermon about her new obsession, so I googled it. I had to skim over 2 full pages of google results before I got to this one. I did open a few of the page 2 results. Two of them were obviously written by Beachbody Coaches, even though they didn’t say so. The third was a pro/cons list, but still felt pretty “GO SHAKEOLOGY” to me. Your review is just what I was looking for! I agree – 900 calories per day, even for only 3 days, is just too little! The bloating picture is crazy! I would definitely be in the same boat there. Thank you for your insightful and humorous review!!
sharon says
I’m glad you found me! Maybe someday I’ll show up before page 3. 🙂 I know the feeling though – I searched through pages & pages for a review that seemed impartial, and it was really frustrating not being able to find anything. I don’t think I would have bought the program if I’d heard some of the cons – but I just wanted it to work so badly that I took a leap of faith. Oh well. Live & learn.
The bloating though…omg. Fortunately, I did all 3 days when my husband was out of town, so it could have been much worse. 🙂 Never. Again.
Angela says
I am very glad to have read your unbiased review first before acting on my curiosity of this product. I suffer from fybromyalgia (an auto-immune disorder that causes chronic pain among other symptoms, like digestive issues), and the 3-day refresh sounds like it would exaserbate and trigger a major flare-up. Fortunately, I had already adopted a healthy eating life-style over 4 years ago of eating all natural foods with no preservatives and the like, and have done very well managing my symptoms without meds. Being that the Shakeology and 3-day refresh has artificial anything makes me not want to ever try them. No cure all, but natural IS always the way to go. Thank you!!
sharon says
Hi Angela, thanks for reading! Some have pointed out to me that Stevia is not technically an artificial sweetener since it’s made from natural ingredients. I don’t know much about it – only that I don’t like how it tastes. The only sweetener I use is sugar, although I try to use it in moderation (except in my coffee!) Glad I could help prevent a potentially painful flare-up.
Morgan says
I know this is almost a year latter, but you are about the 3rd review in the first page when you search three day refresh. I’m glad I found your page. A friend was talking to my mom about the 3 day refresh, and we were considering it, but thanks to your review are going to stick to a moderate diet and exercise program. I can do 1200 to 1300 calories a day, but it’s hard, at an obese weight the pounds might fly off with the refresh, but I’ll take my slightly slower loss over being miserable on 900 calories. Personally, I feel like this kind of ‘diet’ even if it’s short promoted failure and re-gain, especially for obese dieters.
Thanks again! You look amazing.
sharon says
I’m glad you found my post! Some people do well on it – just not me. And thank you for the compliment – you’re very sweet, and I pretty much just have good genes. Thanks for writing! xo
Stacy says
1/9/16 your #2 on page 1now! Just searched “3 day refresh” thanks for the review!
sharon says
Crazy, right? 🙂
nicole says
Well, 2 years later. I look up beach body 3 day refresh.. and you’re number 3 on the 1st page. Congratulations! You made it! Thank you for your honest review!
sharon says
Crazy, right? 🙂 It’s been really fun seeing everyone’s different results. And now I know I definitely wasn’t alone. xo
iris says
just adding something here to say you’re on page 1 today 😉 Thanks for the review even if I had already made my mind not to buy it it’s nice to have a ‘real’ review
sharon says
Crazy, right? Best $90 I ever spent. 🙂
Stephanie says
I have never tried any Shakeology products but I lost 50 pounds in 8 months without it. I used good old fashioned diet and exercise. I did follow the Shred Diet but all that recommends is diet and exercise. (Nothing to buy other than regular healthy foods including homemade smoothies and shakes) Thanks for your unbiased honesty! It’s refreshing.
Jill Conyers (@jillconyers) says
I’m a beachbody coach, I love protein shakes and shakeology AND I’ve avoided the 3DR. Just sayin’
Sara @ lifebetweenthemiles says
It’s nice to see a impartial review. While I do like Shakeology, 900 calories a day is just crazy to me. I would want to kill someone. BUT, that said, I always think its good to get first hand experience with programs like that so you know what works for you. I know that I couldn’t do a program like that, but its great for others!!
Carolyn says
I am on day 2 of the refresh. It’s not for me, won’t be trying it again. Wanted to try because I had heard rave reviews, of course from coaches. Right now I have a stomach ache and headache. My hunger really kicks in at night. The food allowed is so minimal. I can deal with the limited diet, I just need more of it. The Shakeology is really good, but just thinking about the fiber sweep and vanilla fresh is making me want to gag. They are both awful. Glad I tried it as I am no longer curious. By the way I think it’s quite expensive.
sharon says
Yes, very expensive. Also part of why I didn’t tell my husband that I was doing it until after the fact. I get very hungry at night too and had to add some extra fruit in order to even be able to sleep.
Deborah @ Confessions of a Mother Runner says
I think this is a typical reaction that lots of people have on diets like this. 900 calories a day is ridiculous for any adult to rely on. As you probably know, when you deprive your body of calories you will lose water weight but also lose muscle and hold onto fat. No wonder you didn’t feel like running. Your 3 pounds will eventually come off slowly as you return to all your normal routines. I bet most people actually end up putting on more weight afterwards bc they are so hungry.
sharon says
I’m glad I tried it, if only just to gain the definitive knowledge that this type of thing isn’t for me. I’ve always found that when I try to restrict my diet in any way, I gain weight – and become obsessive, which is even worse. I guess I can’t speak for everyone, but I know for me the answer is just diet and exercise in moderation. (Remind me of that next time I start thinking about a quick fix, okay?)
Alicia Sweeney says
I wish I had read this before starting it! I’m on day 2 and I HATE it. I’m starving, the shakes and fiber sweep are gross, and I have a headache. I like shakeology and I like the beachbody workouts, but it is clear to me that this 3 day cleanse stuff is just not for me! Thanks for this. I was beginning to feel like I was the only person who hated every minute of it. Now I am just wondering if I can stick it out for the duration! Or if I even want to. 🙂
sharon says
Hi Alicia! Did you end up sticking it out? I’m curious about your results. I’m glad this post is here, because I was in the exact same position as you and couldn’t seem to find anyone who felt the same. So at least there’s that. 🙂
Pam says
I wish I had read this before! Similarly all I heard were the closing beach body reviews! Today was to be my day 3 and after waking up with my blood sugar in the tank and unable to even function to make it to my office, I did not finish the program. That combined with the horrible bloat and constipation from the fiber drink, I’ll gladly just go back to my 21 day fix plan that didn’t make me miserable!
Breean says
I am a beachbody coach and I didn’t even make it through the first day! I am also a massage therapist and burn more than 1000 calories just at work. I can usually make it through at LEAST the first day of something, but I was so freaking HANGRY by 3:00 pm that I drank a cup of coffee with lots of cream and then had a snack.. a REAL snack. And then followed that up with a very healthy, very protein/fat based dinner and now I feel normal. I will be returning this product and will be very honest with those who ask about it in the future!
Jen says
I’m a BB coach as well and I’m having a terrible time making it through the first day – not that I want to go binge on a big greasy bacon cheeseburger, but a nice slab of salmon and some teriyaki veggies sounds pretty darn good!! Better than a vanilla shake (that tastes like YUCK) and some organic vegetable broth. Ug. I don’t know as though it is something that I will be able to recommend to my friends and neighbors.
Jen says
I’m a BB coach as well and I’m having a really hard time even getting through day one. I agree that the vanilla shakes are not as delicious and filling as what other coaches clam them to be. I feel like if I stick it out for three days, I am going to binge big time on Wednesday. I honestly can say that this will not be something that I will push on my friends and family. I’m glad I have found some honest reviews of this product!
Katherine says
I am actually really glad u read this post. I don’t think it would of been for me. 900 calories is far from healthy but then again it at work for someone who doesn’t burn as many.
Just ME says
Your supposed to do light workouts anyways so runnning is not lite…..And no 900 isnt enough for the normal adult duh this is a cleansing program to get your body ready to eat healthy again.
Just ME says
Not to mention what about people that fast for 3 days you don’t really eat anything.
Amanda says
I’m midday on the 3rd day. I am not enjoying it, but did it to get rid of some water weight and a few weeks of really bad eating; I was struggling to get back down to my ‘normal’ spot. It isn’t good and I am sooo hungry – I had a handful of almonds before bed the previous 2 evenings. I use shakeology in the mornings with fruit regularly anyway so that part I don’t mind and I actually didn’t mind the FiberSweep as long as the water was super cold and I drank it immediately and quickly (before anything could settle) but the Vanilla Fresh shakes make me gag. I was down 5lbs this morning (Morning Day 2) so hopefully another 1 – 2lbs tomorrow morning.